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The next morning I awoke to the scent of bacon and eggs floating up the stairs into mine and Draco's bedroom. I rolled over and noticed that his side of the bed was empty, the ocean blue duvet straightened and his reading book neatly tucked under the bedside lamp on his table. His alarm clock read 8:17, a perfectly reasonable time for me to get up I think. 

I swung my legs out of the bed and slung on my fluffy dressing gown before making my way down the down the stairs to see what he had made for himself. I stepped off the bottom step and wandered into the kitchen, the soft carpet changing into the cold, pearlescent white tiles. 

In front of the stove stood Draco, his platinum blonde hair gelled up into a quiff. over his shoulder hung a tea towel used to wipe any grease from his hands on instead of the sandy beige slacks he was wearing. the sleeves of his seaweed green knitted cardigan rolled up above his elbows and the top few buttons of his shirt undone. I started to walk closer to him to take a peek into the pan and he told me to go sit down at the dining table, with a sigh I plopped down into the seat and notice that there are two places set out at the table. Could it be? A nice gesture from The Draco Malfoy? 

Lets hope he doesn't poison me.

he turned off the hob and slid scrambled eggs, bacon and toast onto two plates before bringing them over to the table. he gently placed one down in front of me, then put his down without a word.  

"Thank you." I croaked out, my throat dry from sleep.

"How did you sleep?" he asked without taking his eyes off his eggs

I took a sip from the large glass of water that was in front of me, "Great actually, that bed's much comfier than the ones that were in the girls dormitories. you'd think with all this magic around someone would be able to make a softer mattress." I said with a small giggle 

He smiled to himself, amused by my comment. " That's good, cause we've got a long day ahead of us" 

"You are aware that I still have no idea what's going on to day, right?"

He smiled again, "I'm aware, once you finish that you should really go and get ready, we need to leave in about an hour"

"Leave for where?" I asked, exasperated by his secrecy 

"It's a surprise"

I rolled my eyes "okay. can you at least tell me what I should wear?"

"I've already picked it out,  its on the dresser. I'll clean up the kitchen whilst you get ready, i need you to be ready for half nine"

I nodded before leaving the table and hurrying off upstairs, so quickly that I actually tripped on one of the top few steps. Good job Draco wasn't paying attention. 

On the dresser laid my blue skinny jeans and a royal blue knitted jumper, I put a vest top underneath it as it wasn't freezing outside, just a bit chilly. I put on some mascara and lip gloss, opting for a more subtle look and put my hair into a loose fishtail braid. I slipped on my brown boots, grabbed a hat and scarf before heading down the stairs to meet Draco where he was waiting by the door for me. I scurried over the the coat rack by the door and quickly slung on my black duffel coat. I checked the time, twenty five past nine, earlier than he asked. Punctual as always.

Draco grabbed the keys from the dish on the side table and we headed out. Draco lead me along corridors and down stairs until we reached Professor Mcgonagall's office, he knocked on the door and she quickly ushered us in. Great, lets sign some marriage papers and head out, I thought, but before I could grab her quill and sign the papers that were out on her desk professor Mcgonagall walked over to her fireplace and picked up a small black pouch.

"Mr Malfoy requested to go on a small trip before the signing," she said, looking to me " I assume you understand how the floo system works Mr Malfoy?"

Draco nodded before taking my hand and dragging me towards the large ornate fireplace. He wrapped his arm around me and grasped a handful of the fine silver powder that was in Mcgonagall's  pouch. Draco tightened his grip around my waist and looked down at me before throwing the powder onto  the fire and announcing, very clearly, "Malfoy Manor!"

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2023 ⏰

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