Chapter 45: Final Confrontations

Start from the beginning

Michael: That's because I work to get what I have unlike you.

Alex just scoffs as Cole tells them to settle down, Michael calms down.

Cole: Okay, Michael, so every week we've heard Alex give his thoughts and his reasons for what he did.

Alex scoffs as Cole looks at him then looks back at Michael.

Cole: But over the last few weeks we haven't actually heard from you. So the question I have for you is what do you make of Alex's actions?

Michael takes in his question and thinks about it as Alex looks at him. Michael coughs softly then moves in closer to the table.

Michael: I don't know, Cole. I honestly can't tell you. You know for years it's been Alex and Michael, Michael and Alex, two brothers, two best friends always on the same side but it's not. And I don't know what happened.

Alex just crosses his arms.

Michael: Alex, you say that it's because I've taken your spotlight, because you've been in my shadow. But the truth is there is no shadow, you're just too blind to see that.

Alex: Blind? Blind to see it?

Cole: *Looks at Alex* Alex, you'll get your turn. *Looks back at Michael* Please continue.

Michael: Every single day I've done my best to help you whether it's inside that ring or outside of it and if you wanna blame me for that then fine. Go right ahead. But it doesn't change what happens on Sunday, Alex. I'm gonna knock some sense into you and help you realize that the only problem here is our father. Triple H.

Michael looks at Cole.

Michael: I'm done.

Cole nods then looks at Alex.

Cole: And Alex your response.

Alex takes his sunglasses off and sets them on the table.

Alex: Knock some sense into me? You're gonna knock some sense into me, Michael?

Michael nods.

Alex: No, no, I'm gonna knock some sense into you because I'm finally gonna prove to you and our entire family that I'm better than and always will be.

Michael: You think your better than me?

Cole: Michael-

Michael: You're not better than me Alex. You never have been.

Alex takes his feet off the table.

Alex: That's where your wrong, Michael. In that ring I am better than you. Because it doesn't take a genius to realize that inside that ring you want nothing to do with it. That's why I've been here and you haven't. It's only because you realize that the spotlight was on me that you decided to come here.

Michael: I've been here longer than you!

Alex: And you've run away too!

Michael scoffs but before it can get anymore heated, Cole decides to move on.

Cole: Alex, Michael brought up your father so going to that the question that I wanna ask you is, do you think all of this would be happening if your father didn't turn his back on you at Wrestlemania?

Alex: Yes. Yes I do, Cole. Because whether you like or not it was inevitable, Michael McMahon always has to be the center of attention and he wasn't any longer so he came here to steal the spotlight I stole from him. So yes. This would still be happening. Does that answer your question, Cole?

Cole nods then looks to Michael who gives his response.

Michael: What are you even talking about? Stealing your spotlight? All I've ever done is help you, Alex. All I've ever tried to do is help you reach your full potential.

Alex: No, you've tried to hold me down.

Michael: You're so full of it.

Alex: I'm full of it. No you're full of it. You've gotten yourself on this high pedestal and it's ridiculous. You think just because your Michael that you're better than everyone else. Well newsflash bitch, you're not.

Michael chuckles at Alex.

Michael: You know what you're wrong. But you're also right. I don't think I'm better than everyone else but I do know something.

Alex: Oh yeah? And what's that?

Michael: I'm better than you.

Alex starts laughing.

Alex: I told you. There it is. There is is. The truth. You think you're better than me and this Sunday I'm gonna show you that you aren't.

Michael: No, Alex. This Sunday I'm gonna prove something to you. Something that you know deep down in your heart.

Alex: Please enlighten me.

Michael: You're not ready.

Alex's facial expression changes when Michael says this.

Michael: You're not ready for the main event, you're not ready to be in that ring and you certainly aren't ready to be a wwe superstar. You wanna prove something? You wanna prove to the world that you're better than me? You're gonna have to go to NXT and grow up a little first.

Alex looks away.

Cole: Do you think you're ready, Alex?

Alex hears Cole and looks at him.

Alex: What did you just say?

Cole: I asked if you think you're ready. Do you really think you're ready to face Michael? Do you believe that you have what it takes to beat him?

Alex was at a loss for words.

Alex: What kinda question is that huh? Isn't it supposed to be his turn? Huh? You already asked me a question!

Alex stands up as Cole begs him to sit down, Alex and Michael start arguing as Stephanie comes into the room.

Stephanie: Boys, stop it! Stop it!

Alex: Yeah listen to your mother, Mikey.

Stephanie: I'm talking to both of you. Stop it please. This is getting out of hand.

Michael takes a breath and calms himself down. He turns to looks at Stephanie, he then looks back at Alex only to be slapped in the face by him causing him to stumble backwards.

Cole immediately puts his arm in front of Stephanie as Michael gets up and runs and tackles Alex into the wall. Stephanie screams at them to stop as the two of them begin brawling in the room.

Michael gets on top of Alex and starts punching him but Alex pushes him off. Alex coughs as he grabs ahold of the wall and pulls himself up.

He turns around only to be super kicked in the face by Michael and he falls to the ground. Michael chuckles and kneels down to him.

Michael: It's like I said, Alex. You're not ready and this Sunday. I'm gonna prove it.

Michael stands up and leaves the room as the camera pans down at Alex who was unconscious.


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