Part 3: I need time to replace what i gave away

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Slowly opening his eyes, a white ceiling is right there with their blinding lights. An hospital white ceiling.

While his mind is coming down from the hazzy state, Dokja try to move so he could take in his surrounding. However, even this was proven difficult to do.

This scene felt somehow like a dejá vu, like he lived this exact sequence of events somewhere in his past. Nevertheless, in that moment,his mind couldn't process the situation, so it shut off to a deep sleep again...

- – — • «: Ⅲ :» • — – -

Once, Dokja's eyes opens again, someone spoke.

Although still dizzy and once again trying to make sense of the environment he is in, he could make out the words that someone was saying.

"Glad to have you back on the land of the living, hun" looking to the side, there was a older woman dressed in white, later he would realize that it was a nurse's uniform.

"What happened? Where am i?"

"You are in the Seoul Central Hospital. Can you answer some questions or do you fell dizzy?" she promptly says

"I feel dizzy"

"Don't worry to much. It's normal to feel that way after waking from a week coma" Dokja tried to process her words as quick as possible, not liking the sensation of not knowing what happened, even if the situation was familiar, but his brain simply refused to work properly.

"Here you go. Drinking this might help you" she said while passing me a cup with fresh water.

After some sips, he felt better. The water doing wonders to his throat and head as it start to clear, the latter working a little faster than before.

"I guess i can answer some question now."

" That's great. Do you remember your name?"

After drinking a few more sips, I say "Yes, it's Kim Dokja"


"Uhh..." I reply while scrunching my face, "I don't remember my age, but I do recall when my birthday is. February 15 if I'm not wrong"

"You are not wrong, Dokja. Do you remember your address or how you came to be in the hospital?"

"No, I don't recall either of those"

After she stops writing in her clipboard, she informs him that she will relay this information to his doctor and to rest for a while more as she leaves the room.

Being left alone just with his thoughts right now isn't ideal but Dokja can't move that well.

[ Ki m Dok ja is n't a lo ne ]

The Fourth Wall provides.

'I guess this brat is right for once' the thought surges with a smirk.

[ I' m al way s ri ght an d I' m n ot a br at ]

'Only brats would say they aren't a brat'

[ The Fourth Wall is silent...]

Suddenly, small sparks stop his thoughts.

'...a proba...bility...storm...' with a fuzzy vision, his brain starts to give up on being conscious.

[Slee py...]

- – — • «: Ⅲ :» • — – -

"There was an train accident. A bomb to be exact. There was a lot of people either hurt or dead. Fortunately, you are still in land of the living with the rest of us, it's a miracle, really. You were recuperating quite well until the day you woke up. That day, you come down with pneumonia and gave us quite the scare to be honest"  The doctor says calmly with a small smile.

And here he is taking in the fact that even in another universe, he still doesn't have any luck with train and subway.

After the medic staff finish checking doing general exams, they inform him that he needs to stay there for further observation and rehabilitation since he was in a coma for two weeks and several injuries all over his body. Once everyone of the staff finished their they left his hospital room.

Finally left alone, Dokja asks the 4th wall if he can get access the story of this world's 'Dokja'. After receiving an affirmative answer, a lot of information is injected in his head. He wonders if this is what those protagonists of quick transmigrations novels felt when they got the world's info.

After shortening the memories of this body, he found out that they aren't that different from his life before the scenarios. From the abusive excuse of a human being that was his father during his childhood, to the part where he killed him and his mother taking the blame for him. Furthermore, this world's 'Dokja' also went from his relatives' household to household, was neglected and kicked out at the age of 18, just like him, fought in the front lines in the military and  lived an unobtrusive life, working in a company just as bad as Minosoft.

The major differences are that his mother, who is still alive, somehow made possible that no one touch the money account from the book until he was 18, which was a great help when he was kicked out. Although this made his relatives demand money from him for 'raising' him, that was when he runaway to the military, also there is no "The Three ways of survival in a ruined world" so 'he' survived by reading "Trash of the Count's Family" instead.
All in all, both of them were very similar.

The next few days were painful for dokja. At least the physical therapy help his head to be empty, by the end of each session he was so tired that he just flopped in his bed and slept. In the moments he was awake he would search about this world and it's wonders. As it is, something similar to an apocalipse happened but with the whole scenarios and superior entities controlling their every awake moment. There were gates who connected this world to others and monsters who flowed from them, like when Biyoo first reached their regression. The people who fought those monsters, were called hunters which were categorized from E to S, in crescent order, although some countries like China adopted other scale to organize their hunters. At this moment the fourth wall informed him that he could awake has a hunter of any rank when he wish's to do so. However until the probability storm is over there will be some restrictions to the powers he has available.

Also during his time in the hospital, the first double dungeon appeared in the world, what made the news more interesting was that the sole clearer of the said dungeon was the weakest hunter in the world Sung Jinwoo, who ended up in the same room as him, since he didn't waste money to upgrade to a single room. His luck is that good.

However he will be out of there in a few days so everything will probably be fine. In the meantime dokja was busy with the therapy and rehabilitation and appeasing the sleeping boy in the room when seemed to have a nightmare.

On the day he was supposed to get out of the hospital Jinwoo woke up, and Dokja was the first thing he saw. After that, he saw a blue window, imitating those windows from video games. In shock he asks Dokja, who is putting his bag on his shoulder, if he saw the blue window.
Kim Dokja simply smiles and says
" it's better if you do what it says"
And left, leaving a confused Jinwoo there until doctors come in.
Author Notes:

Word count: 1231
end of the chapter

Hello, how have you been?
Sorry for going radio silence for a while ㅠ.ㅠ
This chapter wasn't edited nor proofread so it will have mistakes ( probably ) if you notice please tell me
JINWOO IS HERE!! Also dokja having no luck with trains is a must now XD
Thank you and happy reading.

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