"We may not have to wait long," Aizawa nodded at Izuku who was looking at them.

"Izuku you're up!"

They hurried over and Izuku hugged Shindo as the boy hugged him, "You ok?" Katsuki asked.

"I'm fine, I healed,"

"You know that's not what I mean," Katsuki placed a hand on his head.

"What happened?" Hitoshi quietly asked.

Izuku raised his hand to sign, then hesitated, then raised it again before shaking his head.

Kaichan I can't...it's too much

It's alright Izuku, I'll take over for a bit, get some rest

Ok, thank you

Kaibutsu raised his hand and removed his facial mask, Kaibutsu didn't know JSL all that well, and Izuku wouldn't need this much anymore anyways. His finger became a sharply pointed claw and he sliced the stitches on his mouth one by one.

The males turned away as Kaibutsu began slowly pulling out the threads and dropping them on the bed. After the wounds on his mouth began to heal and the holes closed up, leaving nothing but small, barely visible scarring.


Aizawa handed him the glass and the others turned back, taking that as a sign he was done. Kaibutsu placed the glass down and kept his eyes on his lap as he uttered the first word in a long time.


Aizawa placed a hand on his shoulder, "We will, we just need you to tell us what's going on,"

Kaibutsu nodded, "I will,"

"Alright come on, we were all about to have a meeting, you woke up at the perfect time," Aizawa told him.

Kaibutsu went to get up when Shindo scooped him into his arms, "You still shouldn't move around too much," he smiled.

Kaibutsu nodded and they headed to the adult's wing of the facility, Izuku was worried a war against the league would soon break out. Once they reached the meeting room everyone looked surprised to see the topic of such a meeting awake.

Aizawa gave his chair to Izuku and opted to stand behind him instead, "As you can see Izuku is awake now and ready to talk about what happened to him so please give him your attention,"

Everyone grew quiet and Joke nodded at him, "Go ahead when you're ready,"

"A month ago...I ran away after getting into an argument with Shindo. I was angry and hurt so I just ran and ran without any idea where I was going. I ended up getting caught in a storm and when it was over I was lost and in an alleyway, I was wet, cold, hungry, and exhausted.

There I met this guy, I thought he was nice, he bought me food and was going to help me find my way back. But then I made the mistake of telling him I was quirkless, after that, he knocked me out and I woke up in front of Shigaraki from the league.

He said he was going to turn me into a nomu, he said he wouldn't hesitate to kill me because I don't have to be alive for it to work. He said if I didn't cooperate that he'd kill my mom so I listened to everything he said and did as I was told.

They trained me saying I was too weak to start but it was really just hell, they wanted to creature a quirk similar to AFO and All Might's. They tortured me, they'd throw me into dark rooms full of high-end nomus and force me to fight for my life.

They'd beat me and inject me with things, they even made me do...things but that was only Toga. And Shigaraki hated when I screamed or cried so he beat me half to death and sewed my mouth shut.

Then once they deemed me ready they had me come up with a story about my absence and took me home. They wanted me to come here, they wanted me to cause chaos and somehow make the heroes look bad.

They wanted me to get close to 1-A and get into UA if I could, I tried to do what they wanted and make fights but I hated it. I didn't want anyone to get hurt again so I didn't and they didn't like that I wasn't doing anything.

So they took me and punished me for not doing what they ordered me to, they told me to say what happened was recoil from my quirk. Please...help us," Kaibutsu lowered his head.

"Us?" Someone asked.

"You don't need to know about that, just protect my mom before they find out I betrayed them. I don't care what happens to me, I just want her to be safe. I'll take any punishment you give me for working with the league,"

Aizawa placed a hand on his shoulder, "Don't worry, we're going to protect you and her ok? You aren't at fault, we failed you when we did nothing to find you so it's our responsibility to right our wrongs.

We've failed to subdue the league countless times but we won't let them get away this time. I promise you they will answer for what they did to you,"

Kaibutsu smiled, "Alright,"

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