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Like a compass needle that points north, a man's accusing finger always finds a woman- Khaled Hosseini

To anyone who's been following this Fanfiction, I apologise. I will not be continuing it. This is as good as abandoned and done for.

When I started writing it, Murtasim was greatly written complex male lead who now is nothing but an arrogant man who continues to character assassinate his wife to anyone who will listen, all while not revealing or punishing Haya for her misdeeds. He never even bothered to tell anyone what exactly conspired between them that night.

Half of the city is his enemy yet he never bothered to think that Meerab might be in danger because of them. Nope. His first thought was that she has run away with her lover. He doesn't wish to file an FIR because of his reputation, foregoing his wife's safety.

Even if Meerab informs him of her pregnancy, will he believe her? I don't think so. It will probably be just another round of character assassination that the fandom will once again ignore in favour of his looks.

People will still curse Meerab and meme accounts will still call her "Manhoos ( listen I have no problem with harmless jokes but the way some accounts, specially some very famous ones make insensitive jokes about MR and make theories truly disgust me)," and continue to defend Murtasim by calling him broken or something. ( I have never hated the word broken this much before🤣.)

I thought in 2023, we were past blaming heroins for the untimely death of their fathers or something but guess what? Of course, hormonal teenagers on Instagram think Meerab used to her magical powers to make their precious little hero sad in black and white ( I think we all know exactly which accounts I'm talking about🤣).

I'm done with this fandom as much as I'm done with this show. It's honestly full of little girls and middle aged aunties with the most horrendous case of internalised misogyny. I have seen accounts who are mad that now Meerab was getting sympathy as if Meerab was her personal enemy or something ( This can't get anymore childish then this, I'm afraid 🤣.)

Murtasim just needs to shout at Haya once a week and cry a bit and puff! Everyone will forget everything.

So, good bye and hope you continue to read other works in the fandom because it is full of talent.


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