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"Kid you shouldn't interfer with a hero doing his job" All Might starts to lecture me " I didn't interfere your the one who grabbed my shirt after I saved my life and you took the credit" "yes I did do that but that was to bring you to the police for unlicensed quirk usage" "oh my fucking god seriously I used my quirk to save my life and besides its not like its illegal to use it for self defense its not like it did anything" he flew off before that.  I was basically just complaining by that point but I do have a right to I mean come on he just picked me up and left me on a roof. Right at that moment my two birds tutu and hula came flying up to me and perched on my shoulders I was officially covered in animals. I had a cat on my head birds on my shoulders and a snake wrapped around my torso not that I'm complaining and since their spirits they weigh hardly anything unless I make them heavy. Another plus is that I can make it so only I see them which is handy when their feeling clingy like right now.

I'm debating how I'm going to get down and apparently I was standing near the edge because I see a new hero Hawks he's flying right in front of me in a ready but relaxed position. "Hey buddy planning on doing something up here cause suicide ain't the best thing to be doing" I look at him "oh hey that's not what's happening I got left here by All Might after he endangered my life so I'm planning on how I'm supposed to get down since the doors locked" Hawks looked surprised at that answer and offered a flight down Izuku agreed and hawks picked him up bridal style bringing him down safely.

When Izuku was on the ground again he allowed for his parrot and cockatoo to become visible and gave them instructions to go home and check on his mother. Hawks just stared at the kid "hawks you ok you look like you've seen a ghost ..which makes since because that's what they are so in reality he most likely is shocked that he's seeing two spirits of birds. I wonder with his heightened senses and wings would he be able to detect my spirits when their invisible or spirit form or would only be able to sense them when their in their solid ghost form..." "hey kid you ok you trailed off before mumbling at the speed of light" Hawks asked "hmm oh ya I'm fine I should be going I need to get home." Izuku then turned back and started walking home recognizing the
Street he was on.

Hawks POV

What a strange kid. I am worried about him though I found him on the top of a building with obvious scaring. Could he have an abusive home life. I'm could follow him home to be safe. I make it in to the air following him from the sky I see him walk into an apartment complex grabbing mail from his box and walking up the stairs. I send on of my feathers to follow him he's on the second floor flipping through mail while having a one sided conversation with someone named Hulu huh could it be one of the birds from earlier. I hear a sharp gasp and the clicking and creaking of a door and the sounds of a worried mother. So he is fine, I wonder what made him gasp like that well non of my business if he's not being hurt.

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