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So today was movie day at school. I have band tomorrow, morning and the middle of the day. My mental health is getting really bad. I wish i could go forward in time and make everything how i want, here good amounts of money, have the most perfect girlfriend in the world. And to play my dream instrument. Or just wish i never existed. My friend Gemma was really helpful today. She helped me get out of class to go to the bathroom, because we had a boy teacher today , and didn't understand what lady problems meant. Bro is obviously a virgin. Yes my friend gave me permission to use her name. So my one friend brought a giant Godzilla funky pop to school for his friend , and my other friend brought giant frenzy pops. Im also convinced my 10th piroid teacher is on Netflix. Because he said he had  been to a reputation tour, and he also said he's high fives her. And i think i saw him when Taylor went into the crowd and went over to her fans. Sooooooooooooooooooooooo yeah. Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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