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Lightningclaws was waiting on the side of the mountain, her eyes slits. She gazed at the night sky above, waiting for her egg's father.

What if he doesn't come? Lightningclaws worried. She glanced at her egg for the first time that night. Wasn't it deep crimson and black last time she checked? Lightningclaws worried. Why had it turned silver? Was the dragonet cursed with the supposed 'Nightwing Powers'?"

"Lightningclaws!" A voice whispered from above. Lightningclaws turned around to see the egg's father, Mountain, land behind her. Another dragon landed beside him. Lightningclaws hissed.

"It's okay, my love." Mountain said quietly. "This is Peak. She... needs help."

"With?" Lightningclaws demanded.

"She... found out she was with egg." Mountain admitted. "But the father... the father is a Nightwing."

"What?" Lightningclaws choked out.

"I... I didn't mean to fall in love with Bravefang." Peak said quietly.

"Bravefang?!?" Lightningclaws snorted. "That moon-licking crocodile?" Peak gave her a hurt look. "Whatever." Lightningclaws continued. "Put your egg next to Nightfire. I can watch it if you want."

"Really?" Peak squeaked. "I mean, if you want to watch Thunderwing."

"Thunderwing?" Lightningclaws echoed.

"Well, the 'wing' is for his Skywing ancestry." Peak said shyly. "And the 'thunder' is from what Bravefang said he wanted to name his dragonet if he ever had any. Thunderstrike was what it was."

"Lightningclaws!" A voice bellowed. The three dragons turned around quickly. Lightningclaws then found herself face-to-face with Queen Starslayer.

"What are you doing here, daughter?" Queen Starslayer snarled.

"I just came to see this Skywing." Lightningclaws lifted her head in defiance.

"It seems that 'Skywing' means more than that." Queen Starslayer snorted.

"So?" Lightningclaws jerked her head towards Mountain and Peak. "They're my friends."

"Then why are there eggs?"

Lightningclaws went silent. Queen Starslayer moved so fast, Lightningclaws didn't see what she was doing until it was too late. The eggs went tumbling down the cliff edge.

"No!" Lightningclaws, Mountain and Peak cried in unison.

"Did you not remember my prophecy?" Queen Starslayer snarled.

"Prophecy?" Peak whispered.

"When the moons reach their highest point...

The dragonets will hatch.

When the tribes come together in joint...

The Dragonets will hatch.

Search the mountains,

Scorch the air,

Don't let them meddle in our affairs.

Of two dragons of sky and night,

Hatched to restore Dragon's might,

Matched with power's one,

Child of mountains and lightning,

Will regret what they have done,

Freed the monster oh so frightening."

"That had nothing to do with our eggs!" Mountain snarled.

"Child of sky and night ring a bell?" Queen Starslayer snorted.

"Why not just use your magic to make them full Nightwing?" Lightningclaws snarled.

"And risk my soul?" Queen Starslayer said coldly. "Forget it."

Wings Of Fire: The Dragons Of The Night SkyWhere stories live. Discover now