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One fateful day in 1993, the evil sorceress Rita Repulsa escaped her Space Dumpster prison and attacked Earth.

Five teenagers with attitude had their lives changed forever when Zordon chose them to defend the planet.

In the decades since, many more heroes have continued their legacy.

The people of Earth rest easy, knowing their home is protected by...



Billy is on the ground groaning in pain and starts getting up as an army Putties start surrounding him. Robo Rita cackles.

Robo Rita: Any last words ?

Billy: It's morphin' time ! Triceratops !

Billy transforms into the Blue Ranger and gets into a fighting stance.

Robo Rita: Putties, grind him into blue dust.

The Putties charge at Billy while he runs towards them and starts fighting them and taking then down with a lot of punches and kicks. Robo Rita attacks Billy but he blocks her, and a puttie kicks Billy causing him to back up a little and another puttie punches Billy causing him to spin in the air fall on the ground. Robo Rita cackles and blasts Billy with wand.

Robo Rita: Why'd you lead me here ? Was your grand plan just to die outside in the fresh sea breeze ?

Then five teleportation beams land on the ground revealing the Red Ranger, the Green Ranger, the Black Ranger, the Yellow Ranger, and the Pink Ranger.

Robo Rita: Oh you brought friends. Now it's a reunion.

Zack: Got your distress call and zipped here as fast as we could.

Zack and Kimberly help Billy get up.

Billy: Thanks, Zack.

Zack: Man, that's Rita Repulsa ? The robot look is not for her.

Billy: She'll look better on a junk heap.

Robo Rita: Destroy them all.

The Putties charge at the Rangers while the Rangers charge at the Putties.

Trini grunts and does a few flips and a putty tries to attack but she dodges. Another one tries to punch her but she blocks the punch and punches the putty back. Kimberly does a flip while the putties try to attack her and she gives off a flurry of punches and kicks. Zack punches a few putties trying to attack him. Tommy dodges a few putties and punches one of them. Jason does a flip and kicks a putty while punching two more. Rita tries to hit Billy with her wand and but Billy does a flip in the air and elbows Rita in the face.

Robo Rita: Oh! My face !I was having fun. But you wanna get serious ? Come on, let's get deadly serious.

Rita blasts Billy, sending him a few feet away.

Robo Rita: You know, I loved that face. Just like I love all the power in my new robot body.

Trini kicks a putty in the face while Tommy grabs her shoulder to get her attention.

Tommy : Trini look.

Trini looked at the direction Tommy was pointing at and Robo Rita pointing her wand at Billy.

Robo Rita: But I'll gladly give up some of that energy for a spell that kills.

Robo Rita throws an energy ball at Billy.

Tommy and Trini: Billy !

Tommy and Trini run in front of Billy and take the hit.

Billy: Trini ! Tommy ! No!

Trini and Tommy explode.

Billy and Zack take off their helmets

Robo Rita: Goodbye, Trini Kwan and Tommy Oliver. If anyone needs me, I'll be in the dark dimension planning my revenge.

Billy and Zack look at the cliff in sadness while Jason and Kimberly run over to them. Jason places a hand on Billy's shoulder while Kimberly falls on her knees in sadness.

Meanwhile at the Kwan residence.

Zack: So what are we gonna tell her ? Maybe her mom drowned ?

Billy: No. No, Minh's too smart for that.

Zack: Well, we gotta decide something quick because school is out. Jason might need help searching the Dark Dimension.

Billy: You can't decide quick on how to tell someone the worst news of their life. And we can't lie to her. It's gotta be the truth.

Zack: Look, Zordon's rules

Billy: Zack ! Rules can be broken for a good reason. Look, if Zordon was back like I had hoped, I'm sure he'd say Minh needs to know. It's always just been her and Trini. She doesn't have anybody else. Who's gonna take care of her now ? Our team, we've never had to deal with something like this before. No, we have to tell her the truth. Otherwise, how's she gonna get closure ?

Zack: Billy ! She's a kid ! She's a kid, Billy. She doesn't need to know that we're Power Rangers. J.J. already knows because he found out on accident.

Billy: Minh needs to know that Rita Repulsa killed her mom.

They didn't know that Minh had already walked in the room hearing the conversation. She drops her backpack and her books in shock.Billy and Zack turn around noticing her. Minh looks at them with shock and starts breathing heavily and runs out of the room.

Billy: We have to tell her everything. Let's hope that Kat and Kim have better luck than us.

Meanwhile at the Oliver residence.

Kat: What am I going to tell him ?

Kimberly: I don't know. But we have to think of something.

Kat: What do you suggest because he will know if something is wrong. How do I tell my son his father is not coming home ? He and Tommy would always have fun and spend time together. He's going to be heart broken when he finds out.

Kat has tears forming in her eyes, and Kimberly walks over to Kat and hugs her.

Kimberly: We should just tell him the truth because there is no point in lying. Kat, I love him as much as you do and I don't want him to be heartbroken because we have to tell him his father is gone. We have to tell him that Rita Repulsa killed his father.

???: He already knows.

Kat and Kim turn around and see J.J. in the with tears in his eyes and he walks away. Kat looks at Kim with a sad expression.

Kat: I'll get him.

Kat walks away to get her son while Kimberly looks down in sadness thinking about how J.J. was going to move forward without having a father. Kimberly looks at a photo with Tommy and Kat holding J.J. as a baby.

Kimberly: I promise, Tommy. That no matter what, I will look after J.J. and protect him.

Power Rangers: Once and Always (Alternate version)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant