"Yes, Uncle Donald…" Huey and Louie said in unison. Huey grabs the life vests and hands them to Louie, who puts them on and places a life vest on Darwin, who whines and on himself.

Darwin couldn't move around in a large vest with small legs. He tried moving around in the vest, but then accidentally rolled onto the floor and rolled away.

"Where is that babysitter?" Donald asked as he picked up the phone and the line started ringing, "Where are you? What? I didn't give you a new address!"

Huey and Louie give each other a look with a smirk.

"Well, what time can you get here?" Donald questioned.


Donald groans after he hangs up the phone, "Crazy old bird. Where can I find another babysitter at 10:00?"


"You gotta go!" Louie puts the ironing board back and Huey puts Donald's shirt on him. Louie starts pushing Donald outside. Huey notices Darwin is rolling outside, he panics and quickly grabs Darwin.

"Boys, I can't just leave you or Darwin!" Donald frowned with a worried expression.

"We can survive for a couple of hours. And we're responsible enough to take care of our adorable cousin." Louie told Donald as Huey gently walked Darwin to the dock.

"A couple of hours?" Donald thought for a moment before accepting it, "Uh...Well, okay, but just keep those life vests on. And keep an eye on Darwin! Don't give him sweets for dinner!"

"Hmph!" Darwin pouted cutely.

Huey and Louie give each other a thumbs up. Donald starts walking off until the boat engine turns on. He walks back up and gives the boys a glare and asks, "Where's Dewey?"

"Sleeping/Who's Dewey?"

Louie looks at Huey. Donald walks back inside the boat.

Louie turned to Huey, "Who's Dewey?"


"All right, boys. We'll get to Cape Suzette and back before anyone realizes we're gone." Dewey smiles, not realizing that Donald is there, "So long, Dorkburg."

He turned and spotted an angry Donald, "Hello...Uncle Donald. What...what's up?"


Donald threw Huey, Dewey and Louie in the back seat and gently placed Darwin in his booster seat in the passenger seat before entering in the driver seat, "I can't leave you boys alone for one minute"

The boys in the back begin arguing in the back about their failure plan. Darwin bite on his seatbelt to let himself out, Donald notices and gives the young child a lollipop.

"Ooh!" Darwin awed and took the lollipop in his beak.

Donald turned to the boys in the back, "Boys, if we want to keep our home afloat…"

Donald sighs, "...We've all got to do things we don't want to do."

Donald turned on the GPS, "Destination, McDuck Manor."

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