
As Amelia spends her days at school I try to find who shot her. There were no damn cameras at the place. And I don't know how I will find this hell of a person. I try to think who it could be. Maybe it was my fathers last wish for his men to kill her. But that wouldn't make much sense because he had to accept our relationship in the end. He had no strength to do anything.

Kai or his family maybe? I swear if it was that fucking man I will kill his entire family.

I take my car to Kai's mansion as I walk up to the door the guards stop me. "Tell Kai, Ezra Perez wants to talk" I say as one of them leave to get my message to him.

Not long after Kai walks down and steps out, standing in front of me. "What do you want man" he says knowing exactly why I came. "Was it you?!" I ask angrily.

"That shot Amelia? No." He says so easily. And honestly it doesn't look like he's lying. "I think you are lying to me" I say so sure he is the one who did it.

"Look man I do not want Amelia dead, what good would that do for me? And if I'm being honest I still do love her" he says making me want to punch the shit out of him. I let out a evil laugh not believing he just told me he loved my wife. "Easy there" I say getting frustrated holding myself from punching him right in the face.

I grab him by his shirt with my two hands. His guards step forward but Kai stops them in place. "Look man I'm just saying I'm not the problem here. Instead go ask your friend, the one you like so much, what's his name? Adan was it?" He says making me pause for a moment. What does Adan have to do with this. I push him away letting go of his shirt.

"What the hell are you talking about!" I ask confused. "I don't know if he was the one who did it but he was literally hiding a smile the entire time." He says.

What the hell is he saying. Adan would never. He's my brother, my right hand. But suddenly it hits me. How at the hospital he told me I had to move on. How from the begging he didn't like what I had become. Could it be true. If so how will I kill him. How can I kill someone I've called brother for so fucking many years.

I don't say another word to Kai as I back up and get back in my car driving home. I call Adan.

"Hey Ezra! How you feeling" he asks as if everything is fine.

"Ehm...I'm fine. Do you mind coming over for a while?" I ask trying to keep myself calm.

"Of course, anything for you man" he says as I hang up the phone. I think I might have a panic attack. I try to breathe. Just breathe. When I get home I get into my office. Looking at my desk filled with papers. I scream throwing everything off my desk. Papers filling the floor. I cover my eyes as I cry. Why does it have to be everyone around me. Did it fucking had to be Adan.


It passes an hour when I hear his voice from downstairs. I walk out my messy room shutting my emotions. Adan smiles as he spots me at the stairs. "Ahh there he is, looking better that ever" he says laughing at his own comment. I try to keep myself calm even tho I want to hit him.

"How is Amel..." I cut him off. "Don't you dare use her name again." I say giving Adan a nasty look. "Shit have I done something?" Adan asks.

"I'm going to ask you this once" I pause.
"Did you try to kill Amelia?" I ask standing cold in front of Adan.
He stutters trying to find any words. "DID YOU!" I yell as he takes a step back getting scared.

"I...I... you were forgetting who you were." He responds knowing how fucked up this is. Without hesitation i punch him. He's on the floor as I keep punching him. He tries to fight back knocking me in the head. And I can feel the blood on my eyebrow.
I pull my gun out and point it at him. Shaking hands. "I promised myself to kill whoever did it! Fuck! And it had to be you." I try to remember what he has done and what things he could do if I let him live.
"Ezra brother please I won't ever do anything like that again, I knew it was stupid from the beginning" he begs.

"Don't you dare call me brother, a brother wouldn't do this, especially when you know I love her more than life itself" I say still pointing my gun at him.

My breathing becomes heavy and soon I feel like I can't breathe. This brings back too much trauma. I can't kill him. But that's all I know to do.
Shit. I have to. I look away not wanting to see him hit the floor. He begs and begs. "Do I mean this little to you" he says trying to make me feel guilty and honestly it works. I can't pull the trigger. It's too hard. My fingers won't let me.
I close my eyes then exhale deeply.

"Fuck Adan" I say putting down my gun. "You're a lucky mother fucker. I don't want to see your face ever again. You will get as far away as possible and if you ever try to come back I swear to god that I will end you. And that time I won't hesitate." I say embarrassed I have failed.

"Where will I go" he asks not knowing anything other than doing as I say. He stands up trying to wipe the blood off his face.
"To hell! Fucking leave Adan" I say and it hurts to even say his name.
He gets out of here in seconds before I can change my mind.

Did you guess it? I think one person got it right in the comments!

Also I'm sooo slow at writing right now because I have alot of school work, I'm so sorry for making you guys wait!

Don't forget to follow and vote for more! Love you guys<3

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