Actually, I'm a big fan of anything greasy and deep fried.

After he swallows he tells, "Thanks for letting me sleep in."

I raise a curious eyebrow. "You knew?"

He nods, taking another bite of scrambled eggs. "Yeah. I heard you talking to my mother. Did you really agree to go shopping with her?"

I shrug, and stuff the rest of the slice of bacon into my mouth. "... Maybe. It couldn't be that bad."

"Well then you obviously haven't met my mother." He mumbles, quickly finishing off his breakfast. I stare down at his plate in disbelief, wondering how he ate it all so fast.

Not replying, Katherine and James walk into the kitchen, both dressed in semi-casual attire. Katherine avoids the bacon and pancakes, but grabs a plate and dishes scrambled eggs onto it. James, on the other hand, puts everything on his, and drowns it all in maple syrup.

"James, honey, I really want to go shopping." Katherine tells her husband and he looks down at her, not surprised to hear say that specific phrase.

"Well, I don't have anything to do today, so we can go." He says and then looks at the two of us. "Do you two want to come? I heard my wife wanted to go shopping with you Grace."

"Yes, she does." I reply, awkwardly, and toss a glance at Will. It was like a silent question was asked between the two of us.

"Are we going to regret this?"


I'm never, ever, going to step foot back into Jordan's car. The thing was filthy. There were chip bag and candy wrappers that littered the floor of the car, and on the seat beside was a fuzzy, white blanket that looks like some type of animal fur. In the driver's seat sat Will and in the passenger was Jordan. I sat in the back. And - Oh, my god, is that a thong?!

I notice something sticking out from under the passenger's seat, and it's pink and lacy and definitely not Jordan's. My nose wrinkles up in disgust as I'm pretty sure just by sitting here I'd get AIDS.

Music blasted loudly through the speakers of unknown song. Jordan sang along, and he sounded like a dying cat that just gotten ran over. Tone deaf much?

I was just glad that when I glance over at the window I see that were parking in front of mall. With a happy sigh, I unbuckle from the seat belt, not wanting to stay in this car for another second. When the vehicle stops, I open my door and slam it, brushing off the back of my jeans.

The next person to get out of the car is Will and he walks over to me, putting on his New York Yankees baseball cap. It wasn't a perfect disguise, but it did him justice and just barely hid his face from cameras. Without warning, he wraps his arm around my waist, pulling my close to his side. He shoves the keys into his pants pocket and tilts the cap with his hand to me in a gesture to say hi.

"Hi," I say back and he smiles.

Leaning downward, he whispers into my ear, "Sorry about the car."

I shrug. "I-it's fine."

"What's fine?" Asks a voice from behind us, and I turn to see Jordan.

Without hesitation, I answer with a lie. "He was asking if the cap hid his face."

"Uh huh," he mumbles, walking a head of us.

I roll my eyes at him, looking up at Will. "He's a tool."

"I know. Let's just get this over with."


It's an hour later, and my feet had only started to hurt within the first ten minutes of entering the building. So far, I have to gone into five different stores and never found anything that fitted my style. I actually didn't know what my style was. I'm so used to shopping at thrift stores, that anything over eight bucks makes me cringe.

The Pretend To Be Agreementحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن