1 - A New Beginning

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"That's so cool! I major in science. All of them. My mother and father made me work very hard to get here. I spent more hours studying than I did sleeping!" He laughed, placing his bag on the bed. Michael had taken the left hand top bunk, so Ashton went to take the right hand top bunk.

Soon enough someone else walked through the door. Ashton scanned him quickly. He looked Asian, but Ashton did enough study and research on culture and skin tones to know he was from Oceana, probably New Zealand.

"Hello there! You must be my roommates?" He said, looking around. "This is Dorm 182?"

"Yep." Ashton replied unzipping his bag. Michael stayed silent, staring at the boy who had walked in the door.

"I'm Calum Hood!" He chuckled, throwing his bag on the bed under Michaels. He sat down and started bouncing on the bed.

"It doesn't even squeak. That's good for when, you know." Calum laughed, and Michael and Ashton started at him blankly. What innocent kids.

Calum took off his jumper and hung it on the edge of the bed. He was wearing some type of jersey, Michael didn't know who they were but Ashton knew all about teams and their players for general knowledge quizzes.

"I major in sport. I play just about everything. I still have to do proper classes too, so the sports I'll be playing here are soccer and basketball!"

Again the door opened, and the three glanced over at a tall blonde, who's hair was put into a quiff.

"Hello." He smiled. He was wearing black skinny jeans that were ripped at the knees and a Blink 182 shirt. He looked around the room, then looking at the door as if in surprise. Ashton wondered if he had short term memory loss, he obviously had to know the number to get here.

None the less, the blonde gasped and looked down at his shirt and back up to the door, giggling. Ashton didn't expect some one with his appearance to giggle like he did, but Ashton laughed along.

"Hi!" The tallest smiled. "I'm Luke. Hemmings.

"I'm Calum Hood." Calum smiled, pulling a basketball out of his bag. Ashton questioned why he took it as seen as it took up his whole bag.

"Like Robin Hood?" Luke smiled. "That's cool! And you are?" Luke asked, holding out a hand to Michael.

"I-I'm Michael Clifford." He smiled, blushing and looking down.

"And I'm Ashton." Ashton said, waving. "I major in science, Michael majors in art and Calum majors in sport. And you?"

"Music." Luke said, taking the last bed in the dorm.

The boys started unpacking their bags, talking about things about them. Favourite colours, bands, hobbies, and telling storys.

"My favourite thing?" Luke questioned. "Well, I love bands. Any band I like, you name 'em."

"Besides sports, I like acting. I'm taking a class in it."

"Me too! I love books, I guess." He thought. "And the smell of new ones. Have you guys ever smelt a brand new book?" They all shook their head and Ashton gasped.

"I like walks." Michael spoke up.

They turned to him and he felt like they were all judging him. His face reddened and he looked back with worried eyes. He backed up a bit, slouching down.

"That's cool! I'm sure they're are loads of places to walk here an- Michael? Are you okay?" Luke asked.

Michael nodded, "I'm good. You guys are kind, thank you. I'm just not the b-best a speaking."

"That's okay. We don't bite." Luke smiled, pulling him in for a hug. He leant down and whispered in his ear.

"Well, not that hard anyway."

Michael blushed, and Ashton and Calum joined the hug. Michael closed his eyes and embraced the hug. He really did feel safe.

"I have to tell you guys something." Ashton said. He seemed a little worried, but presumed the three would be okay with it.

"I'm gay."


"M-Me too."

"I also like dick."

Ashton gasped, "Really? Oh that's great. Cause straight PDA is kind of gross and I don't know if I could put up with it if you guys had girlfriends."

They all agreed. They started to head down at 6:00pm for dinner at the cafeteria downstairs. There was a big crowd as the four went to find a seat, and Michael bit his lip nervously. Calum noticed and reached down for his hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze and leading him through.

They sat down at a small table in the corner, placing their food down.

"I'm so excited. We better sleep early, classes start tomorrow!" Ashton chirped.

"It's weird." Calum said. "I can't believe we only do three classes a day."

"What five did you take on Luke?"

"Um... Film Studies, Biology, Art, Basketball and Music."

Ashton nodded, turning to Michael.

"Oh, uh, Cooking, English, Art, History and Music."

"That's cool." Calum spoke. "I'm taking Soccer, English, Drama, Basketball and Music!"

"I'm taking Maths, Biology, Drama, History and Music." Ashton said.

They talked a little while more before heading back to their dorms for the night. Ashton called him mom before going to sleep, telling her about the three boys.

"Goodnight!" They all spoke, laying down. Two minutes into trying to fall asleep Luke spoke.

"I'm bored."

They all laughed, turning to Luke who was on his phone. "I don't like sleeping on my own." Calum huffed, clingning to his basketball. Luke laughed, hopping out of bed and crawling over Calum. Calum laughed, snaking his arms around Lukes neck before mumbling, "I'm a cuddler."

Michael had already fallen asleep and Ashton turned to his side and listened to music while falling asleep. Luke mumbled a quick "Night princess." To Calum, causing him to giggle before the whole dorm was quiet, all asleep and ready for tomorrow.

Leaving this up for when I come back from camp!

I'm going to ask you every chapter, so, who do you think are going to end up together?

Please comment I want to see how your opinion changes through out the book! They have classes tomorrow!

Bye x

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