Chapter 83

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 Another winter.

In recent days, Xianyun Village has been extremely lively.

It is clear that it is not yet the end of the new year, but there is an endless stream of coachmen and shopkeepers coming and going. Carts and carts of things are transported to the village on the ice and snow. Common things such as ginseng antler, brocade cloth, etc., more expensive ones such as soft beds inlaid with jade, Gold-plated agate hairpins are rare items that cannot be bought even with money.

This is more than that, the courtyard was refurbished, and the hot spring pool was repaired again. The movement was so loud that it seemed to create a warm palace in this bitterly cold place in the northwest. There are people who deliver goods all the year round. Seeing Xianyunzhuang's posture, they came in to ask for hot tea while inquiring curiously

: "What's the happy event recently?"

, with a happy face, said: "My master is very happy. On the fifth day of the first lunar month, everyone will come to eat wedding candies!"

According to the almanac, on the fifth day of the first lunar month, heavy snow falls on the branches and the willows are full of flowers. It is suitable for marriage and travel.

Since mid-October, Xianyunzhuang has received a letter from Feige from Yangzhou.

At first when they received the letter, the group of people were naturally frightened and stunned, but after reacting, there was only pure joy left, so they got busy up and down.

In late December, a group of people finally returned to Xianzhou.

Leaving aside the pleasantries and tears for the time being, the most important thing to come back this time is, as Ji Sheng said in his letter - he wants to marry Luo Wenxin.

In today's world, it is not a big deal for a man to be happy with a man, but to marry a man with such a big fanfare, I am afraid that there will be no second one in the world.

Fortunately, the folk customs in Xianzhou are sincere and simple, and there are many farmers who don't care about worldly affairs near Xianyunzhuang. Most of them are sheltered and favored by Xianyunzhuang, and they know that the current owner of Zhuangzi wants to marry the beautiful young man who lived here a year ago. , Congratulations are better than gossip.

But even if there is gossip, it doesn't matter.

Who is Ji Sheng, who always treats the worldly rules like dung, he said that if he wants to marry Luo Wenxin, he must ignore it and bring all the best things in this world to him.

On the fifth day of the first lunar month, the gate of Xianyun Village was opened, and the red silk pavement was spread all the way, reflecting a blush in the snowy sky.

Congratulatory gifts piled up the whole courtyard.

Yunxiu sent several kinds of rare pills and a painting made at an unknown time -

a couple of people leaning on each other under the moon in the painting, the scene is very beautiful, because it is not a dishonest painting, so it was accepted.

Before the people from Susu arrived, a cart full of rare treasures arrived first. As soon as the carts and horses stopped, gold, jade and jewels rolled all over the ground.

Meng Qiao and Lu Qi presented the fine wine they brewed by themselves, and when they opened the mouth of the altar, the fragrance wafted for miles.

Although Li Mengli was unable to arrive in time due to the martial arts conference, the congratulatory gifts were not missed.

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