Episode 6 - Meeting The Other Guests... And The Host Maybe?

Start from the beginning

When we walked in, we spotted a red-haired girl with a cat next to her, looking at some paintings on the wall.

She looked over at us. "Lizzie, hi! Did you see all these new- Oh, you've got them with you," the red-haired said, walking away from us.

We walked further into the room before Jesse and I gasped in shock.

There were paintings/portraits all over the walls, ones of everyone already here and one's of us as well.

"Well, first it was just the portraits of the people already here, then poof... You guys," the red-haired explained as Jesse and I spotted portraits of the two of us above the exit doors.

"Whoa. That's... Unexpected," I commented, rubbing my arm with uneasiness.

Petra turned to look at us. "Yeah, no kidding," she agreed.

"They're absolutely exquisite! Perfect!" Ivor gushed as he looked at his.

I looked at the other portraits, only to spot Lukas' one messed up. His nose wasn't right since it was just a huge red blob.

Lukas looked away from his portrait, rubbing the back of his neck while I glared at it. "Well, not 'perfect'..." he muttered, disappointed. 

"Absolutely. Perfect!" Ivor disagreed.

'I will hurt whoever ruined Lukas' portrait,' I thought to myself, even though I couldn't stop staring at it. He looked... Really hot in that portrait.

As I thought that, I felt my face flush in complete red, so I looked away from it before anyone could see my face. 'Dammit, Crystal! Don't let your crush get the better of you. You can't have attachments!' I scolded myself in my head.

What I didn't see or notice, was that Lukas staring at mine, thinking the same thing while trying to get his face under control.

"Must've been when we showed up," Petra commented, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"This is so ridiculously creepy," Jesse commented with a freaked-out expression written on his face.

"Right?! At first I was like, 'Oh cool, fan art! Flattering.' But the more I thought about it, creepy is definitely right," the red-haired agreed.

Jesse walked up to me as we stared at the X 'd-out portrait of TorqueDawg. "Well, that's definitely not a good sign..." I commented, sharing a small glance with my brother.

"Agreed," Jesse said, crossing his arms.

"Come on, everyone,"

We looked over to the other end of the room and spotted Captain Sparklez opening a door, and walking over to us with two males following behind him. "Let's huddle up in the dining room,"

Petra walked up and stood next to Jesse. "Wonder if he told them yet..." she suggested.

"Can't wait to hear the big news!" the brown-haired guy with goggles said as another girl ran over to catch up.

"Me neither!" she agreed.

My eyes wandered to the left on the wall, spotting their portraits next to each other.

I looked back at the group just as the man wearing an orange hoodie smiled. "Oh, I hope there's cake," he said as I spotted his and the red-haired portraits next to each other.

"Guess not," Petra commented as they got to us.

Captain Sparklez stopped in front of us as the three continued into the dining room. "Come on, let's do this," he said, motioning us into the dining room.

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