7 [forever and ever]

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"But at the show, why did you leave without explaining? I was so confused," he questioned.


I took a deep breath before answering. "I left because I was afraid. I didn't want to give you a second chance only for you to still be focused on your business and not give me the attention I deserve."

“Jennie, I don't want to admit it but, I have gone through some significant changes over the past few years. As I started investing more of my time and resources into KTH CLOTHES™ , I became grateful for the hard work and dedication of the workers and stylists that I hired. which, indeed, has given me more free time to focus on other aspects of my life, including the pursuit of a relationship. I have come to realize that finding true happiness requires a balance of both personal and professional fulfillment, and I am committed to achieving that balance in my life, With you." He said

A single happy tear fell from my eye. As I said "Oh my gosh. does this mean you love me?"
"yes" He said. before adding "Do you wanna be my girlfriend again?"
"Oh my gosh. Heck yeah!" I said excitedly.
"But there's one condition." he admitted.
I was surprised by his request but I asked "what is it??" Confused.
"promise me that we will be together for the rest of our lives."
he says
"I promise" I replied
"Forever?" asked Taehyung.
"Forever." I answered

as we continued talking, memories of our past flooded back and I felt like I was falling in love with him all over again. We talked about our future together. It was as if we were picking up right where we left off, but this time, with a newfound appreciation for each other


Many years passed and they spent every moment of their lives together enjoying, once again, the wonders and amazing things the world gave them, together.

Taehyung eventually proposed to her and they are now married and as happy as ever.


FOREVER. (TAENNIE FF)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt