" So , you know about your parentage and our relation . Did Suryadeva disclose it to you beforehand ? " was his query

" Just guessed it , uncle Indra . But perhaps you confirmed it , isn't it ? " was my swift counter scaring the son of Aditi as if he had committed a crime by the slip of his tongue .

" Now that you know it , I am ashamed for my actions , son . Forgive this uncle of yours . " apologized a visibly distressed Indra .

" So do you want to say that if I wasn't your nephew than you wouldn't have been ashamed , o king of Gods ? " was my master stroke rendering him speechless . I was enjoying playing with a God for the first time perhaps as all sorts of mischievous thoughts were running through my mind

" Your exhibition of immense valour was was worthy of praise even if we weren't related . " managed the helpless God .

" So the Lord of Heavens has simply reappeared to appreciate a mere mortal or is there something else behind this ?"
This is getting really interesting now as I interrogate the king of Gods .

" You deserve the appreciation , Karna . Moreover you deserve a boon for your sacrifice . Tell me what you desire . " was the offer from him

" Is the boon complementary with the sacrifice or some trade in exchange ? " Perhaps I was born to question the almighty .

" You may think anything you like but being a God , I can't return back with dignity without offering you anything in return of your donation . " A visibly irritated Indra remarked .

" So you want another donation to salvage your pride among the Gods , isn't it dear uncle ? . " deduced myself as the frustrated God felt helpless infront of me .

" Please understand my situation , son . I am bound by me duty for the betterment of all . " urged the wielder of Vajra .

" Yeah , obviously for the betterment . But the betterment of whom ? Your son and his allies , right uncle . " said myself with a smirk growing wider in my face .

" They have been deceived by your friend and his uncle . Righteousness stands with them and for it to prevail this was necessary. " justified the father of Arjuna.

" How were they deceived when nothing was their's in the first place ? Now I was also donated a kingdom by Hastinapur and I didn't go against them and performed Rajasuya like them . They should have too stayed loyal to their parent kingdom instead of revolting in the manner which shows their personal ambitions . " I explained coolly .

" Even you know that Yudhisthira is the eldest and hence deserved the throne . They received Khandavprastha as their right and not any donation . They created a city out of scratch . " defended the leader of Gods .

" Eldest of whom ? Mmmhh... Let me recollect My elder brother , right uncle ? How does that make him earn the bloodline ? And out of scratch , is it really ? Or someone from the heaven was really kind to them for being demigods ? If that is so then what are your thoughts about Anga ? " I questioned him again .

" All Pandavas were born in presence of King Pandu who accepted them as his own . I helped them but not before fighting my own son . You have done well too my son but you are standing with unrighteousness . " reasoned the husband of Sachi .

" Hence that makes them sons of the queens adopted by king . So they have right only if no bloodline heir was available which isn't the case here . The brother of sonless Pandu has his own sons and that too hundred and one in number . As far as your fight is concerned , who gained from it isn't unknown to anyone . Which fool would believe that a father fought with his son not just to gift him thereafter in a pre-planned staged drama and that too the same man who is here again for his son's wellbeing ? And righteousness look who says it , the one who tried to defile a woman himself ? " was my reply .

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