[Ch.26] Enfolded Discoveries

Start from the beginning

"Suck it up! Be glad I got you clothes!" He tossed the clothes at her before heading for the door. "Katsuki, you cannot expect me to put these on by myself!" Livitz dreaded the idea of him clothing her herself but was willing to bite the bullet. Seeing it to be way better than strolling into Urgent Care wrapped in nothing except a towel. Bakugou lowered his head with his back turned and he spoke lowly, trying strongly not to snap at her. "Can't you use your fucking good arm?..." She rolled her eyes. "That only gets me so far!"

The two were bickering like an old married couple. Livitz typically wasn't intentionally an asshole back to him, but with how little help he was being in that moment, she was making an exception. "Okay! Just shut the fuck up already!!" He yelled at her, wanting to be done and over with this already. "Your clumsy ass owes me..." He muttered with a low growl.

As she walked from the bed, Livitz shook her head vaguely. "I'll snap off my arm and beat you with it. How's that for owing you?" Speaking under her breath, she stood in front of him. "Close your eyes." Doing as told, Bakugou shut his eyes before throwing the shirt onto his shoulder.

Seeing his eyes closed, Livitz dropped the towel and used her good arm to put on the shorts. Closely guiding his hands, she held onto him when slipping her feet into the shorts. When sliding them slowly up her legs, she couldn't help but feel uncomfortable with the lack of underwear against her shorts. Her expression soon turned to discomfort upon thinking more about it.

With his calloused thumb grazing across her skin as he pulled away, Livitz found it strange how she hadn't realized the roughness of his hands until that moment. Taking a short breath to gather her thoughts, she prepared for what came next. "Okay, open the shirt so I can put my head and good arm through." Hearing the small grunt he gave in response, she watched him part the shirt and help to place it over her head. Pulling it down around her neck with her good arm and teeth, Livitz pulled her arm through the sleeve and shot her eyes to gaze at him.

His eyes were still closed, making her tense body relax more from the awkward situation. Now came the tricky part. "Alright, now carefully help me get my arm into the sleeve..." Bakugou nodded rather than responding, not wanting to speak to her at the moment. Finding it easier to deal with in that way. Bakugou moved his hand forward and tenderly grasped what he assumed was her arm. Only, it didn't feel like an arm to him at all.

Livitz's heart stopped with wide eyes. Her expression fading into something blunt rather than upset, she spoke. "Katsuki...Is that my arm?..." Hearing her words, Bakugou immediately let go. "Don't say shit," he murmured.

For a moment, both teenagers stood there in pure silence. Processing what just happened. With Livitz internally screaming in an embarrassed confusion, Bakugou had a similar reaction... only...there was a strange sensation hidden deep that he couldn't explain at that moment...

Taking a long breath from his nose, Bakugou carefully grabbed her hand to guide himself up to her arm. His touch made Livitz's heart spike, causing an unknowingly warm sensation from within. Continuing, Bakugou carefully inserted her arm into her sleeve before looking away to hide his vaguely flushed face.

It was majorly inconvenient compared to before. Both were unsure of what to say or how to react to the strange feeling of the situation now... It had escalated from what it originally was and that's what made it a leading factor as to why it was so hard for them.

Taking a moment to gather his thoughts, Bakugou slowly pulled out his phone to try contacting Mitsuki one last time. Livitz internally pleaded and prayed that she would answer, but her hope vanished when she heard him gruff angrily. "Let's just fucking go...I'm done with this." When Bakugou left her room, his tone when speaking seemed irritated as she followed behind him. It was clear the events of that night were affecting him as well...

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