[Ch.18] Hawks Agency

Start from the beginning

"Originally, Keigo agreed to meet up with him, but got stuck with some government meetings and cases, so he is sending me. Not only that, but he has another intern of his own." Surprised to hear he was interning someone else as well, Livitz cocked her brow up and looked at Chiharu. "Fumikage Tokoyami. He is in your class."

Livitz didn't know Tokoyami personally but admired his quirk. It was strong and got him significantly far in the Sports Festival. Livitz nodded her head once more. "He was allowed to bring in two intern requests this year. So he chose the two of you. Back to the schedule, the final two days we will continue training your quirk with Keigo and Tokoyami." Getting up, Chiharu clasped her hands together.

"That's everything, now get your hero costume on and tell me how UA is!!" Letting loose with her speech and seriousness, Chiharu wanted to catch up with her baby cousin. Livitz got up and opened her hero suitcase, letting her cousin see her costume before changing into it. Chiharu frumpled her eyebrows together and observed her costume closely. "I assume your costume is made out of your DNA, correct? To prevent it from melting when using your acid."

Livitz nodded her head as she sat cross legged on the bed. Chiharu pulled the top piece of the costume out and began rubbing the texture. "Good material should be good with your gymnastic skills." Moving onto the bottom portion of the costume, Chiharu noticed the capsules of water. "Your quirk relies on the amount of water in your body, as well as moisture in the atmosphere. I'm gonna have you work on using more moisture rather than the water in your body."

Putting her costume materials back down, Chiharu let Livitz change into her costume. "So, how is UA? Minus the USJ attack, how have things been going?" Livitz began pulling her shirt off and the top of her costume on. "Well, I've made a lot of good friends. Izu got into UA as well and so did Elivity." Chiharu laid flat on her stomach across the bed.

"Yeah, I saw them in the Sports Festival. Although, I don't recall Izuku having a quirk. It was interesting seeing him use one in the battle against Todoroki." Livitz immediately tried to reassure Chiharu, telling her that he was just a seriously late bloomer. Livitz hated lying to her cousin, but All Might trusted her with his and Deku's secret, so she was willing to keep it.

Pulling up her shorts, Livitz went to pull her hair back into a low ponytail. Before continuing the conversation, they were interrupted by a knock on the door. Peeking his head in, they saw Hawks with his casual grin planted onto his face. "Keigo!" Livitz immediately ran up to hug him. "Hey, there gremlin!" Squeezing one another tightly, Livitz felt so happy to see him. Especially after what he told her when she lost to Bakugou.

Placing Livitz back down on the ground, an astonished Tokoyami stood behind them. "Sizuki? I didn't expect to see you here." Livitz casually waved at Tokoyami, giving a friendly hello. "Hey, Tokoyami. I got sent an offer and just couldn't let this opportunity pass. I've missed my cousin and her dorky boyfriend after all." Wrapping her arm around one another's waist, both girls rested a smirk with their expressions.

"Yep, we're a two package deal." Hawks chuckled at their remarks. Tokoyami raised his eyebrows slightly. He didn't know Livitz was related to Talon. Now seeing the two stand beside one another, he could see the similarity in their features. "I see. Well, I look forward to interning here with you Sizuki."

Livitz nodded her head, having an equal amount of excitement to be there. Hawks and Tokoyami left the room, leaving Chiharu and Livitz alone. "Alright, you suited up?" Gazing over, she gave Chiharu a thumbs up.


"Focus, Livitz! Take the water from the air in this room." Holding a stance, her hands were extended and she was trying to pull the water from the light humidity in the room. Closing her eyes, she was focusing hard. "Pull the water, don't create it." Forming light acid in the crease of her palm, she contained it the best she could.

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