"So, there is a 15 minute time limit and the good guys have no idea what floor the nuclear weapon is hidden on, right?" Mina cocked her head to the side confused. "Correct!" All Might smiled calmly. "Then the heroes are clearly at a disadvantage here. A big one!"

The class looked precariously at All Might. "Real Pros have to outwit villains daily. That's life. Even when the odds aren't in our favor, we fight!" Raising his hand into the air, his hand balled into a fist. "All together!" The class followed All Might's actions.

"Let's hear a Plus Ultra!"

"Monsieur, he is on the move." Aoyama directed everyone's eyes back to the screens. Bakugou launched a kick at Deku, dodging it quickly. Deku quickly attempted to wrap the capture tape around his right leg. Bakugou quickly turned and tried to fire a blast toward Deku, he jumped out of the way and barely missed. Picking himself up, Bakugou placed his hands behind him and readied himself to blast toward Deku again. Before he could though, Deku bolted down the nearby hallway. Bakugou chased after him for a while, before realizing he lost Deku.

The angry and pissed-off look on his face grew as he fired small explosions in his palms "Katsuki..." Livitz rubbed her elbow slowly. "That guy has some real anger issues. Kind of scary." Bakugou started blasting up room after room, door after door trying to find Deku. He was slowly losing patience. The eyes of the room were soon looking at Uraraka and Iida.

She had found where the weapon was hidden with Iida guarding it. Iida started saying things to himself. The class couldn't make out what he had been saying, but Uraraka started to laugh, giving away her position. Iida pointed her out and started talking to her. The eyes of the class eventually looked back at Deku and Bakugou. Bakugou started to monologue to Deku, eventually holding up his gauntlet.

All Might, having the ability to hear what was being said through the communication devices, heard what Bakugou was saying. "Bakugou, no! This is too far, it'll kill him!" All Might quickly yelled into the mic. Bakugou launched a huge and powerful explosion from his gauntlet. Her eyes widened at what she was witnessing in front of her. The smoke cleared and she saw Deku on the ground, with Bakugou walking toward him. "Katsuki..." Her heartbeat increased with adrenaline.

Deku attempted to talk to Uraraka, ignoring Bakugou. Lifting his opposite gauntlet, he aimed it at Deku. All Might quickly stepped in, "Young Bakugou, use another explosion like that and your team will be disqualified." Bakugou looked to his left.

"Huh?!" "Using a powerful blast as such is dangerous and a reckless move, whether you're a hero or a villain. Your team will lose." All Might finished

Gritting his teeth, Bakugou looked down. Deku finished speaking with Uraraka, while Bakugou began walking toward him. The two began speaking with one another, Bakugou must've pushed a button within Deku though. Deku was enraged and started to go full force at Bakugou while he did the same. Both charging up the amount of power they had, they both went at each other. Uraraka quickly grabbed a nearby wall and held onto it tightly.

As Bakugou launched a blast at Deku, he swung upward, sending a powerful amount of air pressure up. The floors above them quickly began to fly into the air, the debris kicked up and broke walls and floor. Uraraka levitated the wall she held tightly and swung debris toward Iida. Pushing herself off the ground, she levitated herself to the weapon. She grabbed ahold of the weapon, ending the first battle.

Livitz had been holding her breath and her eyes were in disbelief at what she had just seen happen before her. She looked at all 4 of her classmates, Iida was comforting Uraraka since she slightly overused her quirk. Deku had passed out from the rush of adrenaline and pain in his body. Meanwhile, Bakugou stood stiff and still. She could see his spirit and pride breaking slowly. Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes and calmed herself.

After the Recovery Crew scooped up Deku, the other three walked back into the room. Seeing Bakugou, she thought about whether or not she should approach him. "Katsuki, you didn't do bad." She nudged him. "You did awesome, own the fact you gave it your all."

Pretending not to hear her last remark, he clicked his tongue before walking off. Preparing themselves for the next battle, Livitz and Kirishima headed to the weapon room. They were to guard the weapon and ensure that the Heroes don't touch it. They were prepared and ready to face off against Aoyama and Mina, they had the upper advantage too.

"Okay, Aoyama's beam is powerful and bright, but it doesn't do a lot before giving him a stomachache, correct?" Livitz furrowed her eyebrows, thinking about a strategy. Kirishima nodded at her, before responding to her. "Mina's acid is pretty good too. You guys would balance each other out if you didn't have the spark with your acid. I haven't seen her use her quirk, but I know she does have slight trouble controlling it sometimes."

"Reasonable so did I before understanding more about it, while also training." Livitz placed her hands on her hips. As they sat there silently, they heard footsteps approaching. Kirishima readied his quirk, while Livitz formed acid onto her hands. Aoyama peeked his head around the corner and Livitz saw him. Pretending she didn't see him. She deactivated her quirk and grabbed the capture tape, before turning to Kirishima and nodding.


"Aw, damn it!" Mina whined, sitting down on the ground. "You guys did good, I am just glad I didn't rely on my quirk in this exercise," Livitz reassured her. "It is smart not to rely only on a quirk while in combat." Kirishima pulled Mina up to her feet.

Editor Eve:

Why did I write nothing about Livitz's battle??

God, I really enjoyed skipping over character build-up scenes.

They're boring, but necessary in the long run.

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