To You

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Don't leave me behind

Don't leave me here in the dark..

I'm scared without you;

You who makes me feel alive..

Please don't ever leave me here..

You're the only one

The only person who knows;

Of the pain, sadness,

Hatred, suffocation, I;

Want you to know how greatful

I want you to know,

I'm thankful to have you here,

The only one who;

Understands me than others

Thank you for being my friend..

If you leave me here..

All alone by myself here..

I would blame myself

Over and over again,

I'm sorry.. I couldn't help

I promised myself..

In the dream I had, I choose..

To cry one last time..

Only to you who I cared..

The one, so precious to me..

I shall close my heart..

To the whole world, or perhaps..

I might do so too;

In the future to go too..

Follow you to eternal..

I promised to live,

A life not allowing love..

For if I do so;

I would've suffer again..

Unable to protect one..

I do not wish to..

Hurt myself further more so,

I shall never love..

Live an emotionless life

To not get myself hurt twice..

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