
328 7 1

April 2023
The next morning when Lydia went into the kitchen to grab herself something to eat she was met with Taylor pacing back and forth on the phone with someone she seemed to be quite displeased with.

    "First you let her go to the bathroom by herself, then you let her walk out of the restaurant by herself when there were paps all around?" There was a pause. The person on the other side, who she figures in Ryan, is arguing their case. " I don't have time for your excuses." She feels for the guy. Growing up she always had to wear the backpack with a leash in crowded areas. "I'm hanging up. Bye. See you soon." She let out a huff.

       "You know Lyds. No matter how old a man is, they will always make dumb decisions. Remember that please"

      "Yes ma'am." Taylor chuckles at that.

"You know Ryan was telling me about your friend's brother. That you were giving him looks and that he was giving you looks." She raises her eyebrows at the younger girl.

"I mean I don't think he was. And I was not checking him out. Ryan is exaggerating." She urges the older women.

"I would believe you but you sort of light up at the thought of him. You like him. You should go for it. He seems sweet. What's his name again?"


"Actually I take back everything I just said. J names cannot be trusted. All they do is come into your life, steal your heart and leave." Taylor's voice got a bit shaky but she went on. "And you give them so much time and you think you guys will be for life and then you realize that you guys won't work out." Lydia can see tears on her mentor's face.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Lydia questioned gently.

"No. Let's talk about you and your potential date. Are you going to see him today?" She gives her a smile.

"Well we are going out for brunch today. I have to text Luke about it."

"But I thought his name was Jack?"

"His name is Jack but it is going to be me, Jack, and Luke." Lydia laughed a little at the end. "And even if I liked him, which I don't, I wouldn't want to make a move. He's my best friend's brother."

"But if it's really love then Luke won't mind because he would probably want two of his favorite people to be happy." Taylor advises

"I would listen if I liked him, which I don't." Lydia lets the conversation end there. 

Crazy osu girl
soooooo where we meeting?

weirdass mich guy
I have to stay longer since im new
But you can still go with Jack

Crazy osu girl
but i came to see you :(
But i cant miss on some good jersey food :]

weirdass mich guy
We can see each other soon :]
he says he'll meet you at this deli at xxx

Crazy osu girl
cool :]

Lydia ran to the room she was staying in to get changed into more presentable clothes. Not for Jack though, for herself and by that she means if the paps spot her she does not want to look like she just crawled out of the sewers. She threw on a cute positive affirmation (taylors version) hoodie along with some straight cut jeans and a cute little Red Sox cap. Maybe the sox were set to suck this year but she would always support them.

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