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The galaxy shined so bright at night.

The stars, all the planets, astroids, comets, everything you could ever imagine stood so still in the sky. So, so still. So still it was eerie. Yet this eerie feeling felt, so, so calming.

However, they seemed to always be in constant motion. Something the human body could see or notice from the inside of any planet. It was that feeling of sonder that you feel once in a while, whether you were walking in the street and noticed details of a persons outfit or face. That feeling where you seem to realize everyone and everything has their own unique story.

The unique stories that have an ending that no one knows about, an ending we all cannot control. Stories are constantly moving and changing, much like the galaxy. The comets and asteroids always blazing through space, the planets moving in a constant orbit, and the stars who are constantly moving and spinning. The galaxy always stays still from the sky, never touching the delicate planets that held civilization.

So why were they moving closer and closer?

Suddenly everything was moving, clattering, breaking.

Astroids and comets came crashing down onto the small planet and a little girl who had blonde hair stood in the middle of all of it. If you didn't know better you would think she was about to die and get crushed, but you should know better. Her arms were in the air and her knees were buckling under her, causing her too loose balance and fall to her knees. Buildings and people were screaming, running, and crying out around her. Trying to find safety. The girl, although using an immense amount of force, remained unharmed. A force field protecting her.

The astroids were burning everything around her, people were dying. This is how their stories were to end. They were being killed by a young girl who only knew to follow the orders of her father.

Then suddenly, everything stopped. No screams were heard and everything around her was only ruble and rocks.

"Oh Morana, you did a very good job." The man said, looking around at all the debris. The man was a titan; tall, strong, and purple. His face looked up at the sky, breathing in air.

It hadn't been the first time the man had used her to kill planets. She was a weapon to him. A machine. She knew this. But she was so, so young.

Suddenly, a man with blue robes had come out from behind a rock, "Please, have mercy. My people have done nothing wrong ." He's on his knees, hands folded together. His arm is bleeding out and his skin is filled with burns from the comets and astroids that came crushing down.

The purple man merely chuckled and looked at the young girl next to him. Her eyes were wide with fear and her body was trembling from the strength she just used. She was scared.

"Finish him, Morana." Thanos said to her, "End him."

Morana had killed before, she killed civilizations for Christ's sake, but she always had a hesitation. However, wanting to prove something to her father, she took out her hand and used her powers to choke him. He began to float, his hands going to his throat where an invisible force was killing him. He let out one last gasp for air and his life was over. She dropped his body at once.

Thanos smirked and squatted down to reach her eye level. "Look around you. This is what you are destined for." Thanos exclaimed, making the young girl to look around at what she had done. These people were dead because of her. A tear slipped from her eye.

Thanks looked down at the girl, scoffing at the tear. "Do not cry, flower. Look at the beauty around you. Look at the destruction you have caused." Thanos pointed to the fire and destruction, "This is what you are made for, this is your destiny."

The young girl sniffled and looked up to the sky, the galaxy. She felt at peace looking up at the stars and planets around her. But that peace could only last so long. Because at the end of the day she was the Destroyer, the destroyer of civilizations, of planets, of stars, everything. She could destroy anything Intergalactic.

A/N: I just watched guardians of the galaxy vol 3 and im obsessed again. So, i made this book. anyways slay!

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