Chapter 19:Shadow v Stain and Terra

Start from the beginning

**Somewhere**Rouge was in her bed as she slept, dreaming her of leader, her brother, and sometimes her **something else**. It's been two years since she last saw him, two years since she lost her mother, and two years since the Family was broken apart by **him**. The Family had promised their deceased mother that they would stop Wesker, Trinity, and they will keep that promise. Rouge would be woken up from her sleep by a knock on the door.The bat would get up from her bed and put on a purple robe. She would then open door to see her teammate, Omega. Omega face was stoic as usual, never showing any sort of emotion or reaction. "Morning, O." Rouge hugged him, soon both members of the Team Dark would head to the media room of the base where they will hold their family meeting."Omega, is everyone gathered together." Rouge asked as both members of Team Dark walked to the room.

"Affirmative, all cell members are present." Rouge nodded her head as they arrived at the door. The metal door slid open, Rouge and Omega walked in and saw all the members of the Family there in their pajamas.Rouge saw that some of the members were tired as their faces showed it. Sonic was lying face down on the table, a shirtless Knuckles was next to him, his head leaning on his hand and drool coming out of his mouth. BB was snoring on the couch, Kitty was trying to eat a cereal, but failing miserably as she couldn't get the spoon to mouth since she was falling asleep. Those were the ones that were asleep, the others who were up were doing something.Silver was on couch reading another one of his books while Blaze was behind him brushing his hair, Mystique was watching the news, Gambit was playing solitaire, Amy was painting her toenails, Espio was meditating like always, Bumble Bee was helping Tails out on some new invention on his laptop. Rouge smiled knowing that the two years on the run haven't changed their personalities much.

"Alright guys, family meeting." The ones that were awake looked at the leader and the ones that were asleep were finally awaking up. Sonic groaned from being woken up from his sleep and complained to Rouge."Serious Rouge, why do need a meeting when we already know the plan." Sonic said his face still lying down on the table."And what the plan is that, Sonic? Rouge raised an eyebrow at her blue haired brother."The plan is we get big bro back and we kill Wesker. Simple as that." Sonic said the plan it was the greatest plan on earth and everyone including his team just looked at him."That's not a plan, that's a goal!" Bee screamed at him. "We can't just go into UA and take Shadow, he'll attack us thinking that were still part of Trinity. Not to mention we don't know where Wesker is begin with." Sonic rolled his eyes at the Chaotix member as Mystique spoke next.

"Bee is right, we can't just go back into UA. Besides Shadow and the pros could be more on alert after my visit at the Sports Festival." Tails spoke next as he was typing on his computer."We also have to worry about Gero and the agents, they are no doubt hunting us as well. Omega, Bee, and I have covered our tracks, but there is no telling how long we can do that." Tails said now looking at them all.

"Mystique, tell me what did you think of Shadow when you saw him again?" Espio finally said opening his eyes. Everyone now turned their heads towards their sister."Shadow did not recognize me, but he knew mom and Wesker. While following him I also noticed that his training was still with him. He would often times take different routes home, most likely to confuse his enemy if someone was following him."

"I saw Shadow in that match against that Shoto guy." Knuckles as he remembered what his brother did to the UA student. Sonic whistled at that and laughed."Ohh yeah, that was bro alright." The blue haired speedster said and Blaze followed up next."That was the old Shadow, the take no prisoners mentality, the weapon. I remember that face all too well. It also served as a lesson too Shoto Todoroki for not using his full power and for denying what he is." Blaze said last part harshly and Silver looked at her."Back to what Mystique said, I believe that our leader memories are not fully gone. I think that he's having relapses but there is no way of knowing till I see him." Espio said as he went back to mediating.

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