•the aesthetic of the club•

•y/n's pov•I wondered what would happen if I started break dancing in the middle of the dance floor

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•y/n's pov•
I wondered what would happen if I started break dancing in the middle of the dance floor. Would people cheer me on? maybe a few people could join me?
I couldn't remember how many drinks I had tonight. I kind of lost count after the second one I was that far gone. It felt like my thoughts were slowly starting to act out.
I almost choked on my ice cube when I thought I saw ethan in the crowd of people on the other end of the club. no, it wasn't ethan it was just my mind making me see random shit.
i turned my attention back at guy i was just talking to, his name is jack, he was the nice guy i guess or i just couldn't see what he was really like because of
how drunk i am.

•anika's pov•
when we got in the club ethan chad and i seperated so we could find y/n faster.
i thought i saw someone who looks like y/n in a dress but y/n was not wearing a dress?
i got closer to the girl and it was actually
y/n talking to some random dude.
i touched her by her shoulder and she turned to look at me, when she looked at me she seemed very happy i guess she is drunk.
anika:hey where are you girll
y/n:oh my god anikaa
anika:come on we are leaving you've been here for 3 hours.
y/n:noo let's get you some drinkk
anika:if you wanna get home
safe i can't drink y/n
y/n:noo you have too, just one drink
anika:i will sit with you but i won't drink alright?
y/n:alright momm
anika:hey um ethan and chad are looking for you too..
y/n:ethan?? what is he doing here?
anika:they insisted that they come
with me i'm sorry.

•ethan's pov•
chad and i started looking for y/n but we couldn't find her.
just as i was about to go look on the other side of the club i got a text message.
i got my phone out of my pocket and saw it was a message from anika.
anika told me in the message that she found y/n with some random dude.
oh fuck no.
i told chad that and we started going to the table where y/n and anika were.
when i got there i heard y/n talking with some guy and anika giving me a 'help me please' look.
and then I said 'that's not a camel, that's my wife!" y/n exclaimed over the loud music to the random guy. Which caused him to start laughing. Is she serious rn?
i walked over to her,chad following me
when she saw chad she acted like she hasn't seen him in years.
she hugged him tightly.
i could even say chad blushed a little.
then she turned her attention to me and said:well, if it isn't Captain Cranky Pants!
The thing that i was gonna originally say had left my mind, my brows drew together when i noticed the drunken slur in her speech. How much have you had to drink? i asked her.
"ten thousands, now leave me alone" she responded.
"I need to talk to you!" I loudly stated.
"No!" she lazily shook her head, "Go away! I'm a lone wolf!"
"Please, I want to apologise!" I continued to push the conversation.
"go take that apologize and shove it up in your ass" she said
chad gasped and started laughing
i looked at him with the death stare
he stopped laughing immediately.
The guy she was just talking to started arguing with me.
i swear if he doesn't shut the fuck up i'm going to kill him.
she looked at me one more time and started walking away but the guy stopped her by grabbing her.
"heyy easy there" y/n said as she begin to take off his hands from her body but he didn't let go.
"if you don't take your hands off of her in the next two seconds you won't have hands." i said to the guy.
he instantly let it go and said: " she didn't tell me she had a boyfriend"
after saying that the guy walked away.
"nahh i don't need you looking out for me "
y/n said as she started walking away too.
i follower her.

•y/n's pov•
after i started walking away i felt what I assumed to be ethan's hand on my upper arm.
I glared up at him, urging him with my eyes to let me go but he didn't back down. I shoved my arm out of his light hold and took another step back, though he only echoed my moves by walking closer to me with each step I made. "I said i don't wanna talk to you, what you gonna do about it?"
why do i have to say the most stupid things when i'm drunk like fr?
when i didn't get the reaction out of him i assumed he would let me go.
i walked away and he actually didn't stop me.
when i got on the bar table i called the waiter to get me another tequila.
but then someone lifted me up and throwed me over their shoulder.
i didn't saw who it was until i realized it was ethan of course..
i started hitting him.
but dude didn't seem to feel any pain?
"hey big guy let me goo i didn't finished drinking"
"no i need to talk to you, you can't escape from me that easily" he yelled over the loud music.
"but what about anika and chad??" I asked
"they will be fine, this will just take a minute" he responded.
Do I Wanna Know?' by:Arctic Monkeys began to play as I was being dragged to god knows where.
heyy, nah, nah I actually like this song, I'm staying!" I declared, trying to escape from
his grip.

"no, you're not. You've had far too many drinks tonight, he said making me hard to escape from his grip.
we pushed our way past people until we found the exit. He didn't let go of me or distance his body away from the back of mine as we trailed out of the club.

As soon as I stepped onto the sidewalk, I tore myself away from him and started walking down the path, looking over my shoulder at him as I did so. "Okay, well, thank you for ruining my night your services are unmatched, I saluted him before turning my head to the front again.
It didn't take long until my attempts at getting away from him had failed as he grabbed me by my arm and didn't let go anymore.
"Excuse me, sir? I have places to be, people to meet," I told him, "Let me leave."
"you can't go back in y/n you are too drunk" he ordered.
well i don't take orders from no one.
but then i saw anika and chad coming our way.
anika:thank god, okay give me the keys young lady.
"what ? this keys?" I said taking the keys for my car out of my bag. "i don't think soo"
anika:you are too drunk to drive so just give me them i don't wanna argue y/n
y/n:nahh i'm driving guyss
anika:y/n i'm serious give me the keys

"catch me if you can anika"
after i said that i started running down the street with keys in my hand.
anika,chad and ethan started chasing me.
they seemed like they are getting closer to me.
they finally caught up on me, and anika got the keys out of my hand.
"party breaker" i said to anika.
we got in the car and they still didn't let me drive i didn't get why tho?
i'm a pretty good driver even when i'm drunk.
anika was driving the car,chad was next to her, and ethan and i were in the back seats.
why they couldn't let chad sit next to me.
as anika begin to drive it started raining like crazyy.
she could barely see anything on the road.
and then ethan started speaking to me god no why mee.
ethan:so can we talk now?
y/n:nah i'm still mad
ethan:well can i apologize tho?
y/n:nah i don't think so
ethan:oh come on y/n you know i didn't meant those words
y/n:hey you hurt me okay? I'm not selfish.
ethan:i know i'm sorry.
anika and chad were listening to our conversation and i saw something moving on the road .
'hey is that santa claus?' I yelled to anika
as she turned her attention from me to something on the road.
it was a deer on the road and anika saw it too late she couldn't stop the car.
so the car loose the control and hitted the tree.
the car got stucked and since we were in the middle of the woods we didn't get any signal on the phones.
anika and i stayed in the car as ethan and chad got out of the car to look for some bar where we can get the service to call someone.

this is just a part the real fun is just beginning, hope you like this part btw some scenes were inspired from the book i read long time ago, see ya in next part and don't forget to listen to the playlist again. 📞🤍

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