chapter two: after hours

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Max Verstappen

Miami 2023

I only have a few points gap with Checo in the drivers' standings, if I want to stay ahead I have to be better than him this weekend otherwise I won't be the leader of the season anymore. I have to give everything to keep him from being in front of me because I may not be able to catch him if he starts before me on the starting grid. I have to be very good at qualifying. It's essential.

Everyone in the paddock can feel the tension between Checo and me. We speak only to say the essentials and we are both particularly focused and silent today. He wants the same thing I do, but I want it even more than he does. I have to win. If I don't win in Formula One, the only thing I'm good at, then I'm worthless. If there's anyone better than me, I'm nobody anymore.

I know the audience doesn't like me. I'm not here for their love, I have trouble with the cameras, the media and the other drivers, I'm only here to be the fastest and win again and again. I'm here to prove to the world and especially to my father that I'm the best in the world. Second place is a real failure, I wouldn't get off the top step of the podium.

Qualifications are starting. My first lap is not satisfacting so I push harder to gain a few thousandths of seconds on the next lap and hope to go to pole. But suddenly a redflag is announced.

"Fuck!! What happened??

- Leclerc crashs, qualification ends here.

What an immense frustration! I'm going to end up in the middle of the standings on the starting grid because of a stupid driving mistake.

- Is he all right?

- Yes, he got out of the car."

I'm trying to contain my disappointment and anger. I get out of the car and immediately ask for my starting position for tomorrow's race. Ninth. I have to use my calmness to not get angry in front of everyone, especially when I hear that Pérez will start first.I isolate myself to avoid saying things I don't mean. I can get back to the top of the standings tomorrow but unless there is a problem I won't pass Pérez and then I won't be first in the standings anymore but second all because of another driver's mistake.

Christian Horner's coming up to me. He knows me well now, he knows how I work and I always feel comfortable with him to tell him what I think.

"What a disappointment! Ninth! That is unacceptable!

- I know you're frustrated with the outcome, Max, come to dinner with me tonight and we'll discuss it more quietly, and I have other things to discuss with you.

- Okay, I'll come."


It's late when I get back to the hotel after having dinner with Christian. I'm still upset about the situation, but I still feel better about being able to talk about it. I arrive in the luxurious lobby of the building. Obviously, at this hour, it's deserted. I take the stairs up to my room when I suddenly hear footsteps approaching me. I find myself face to face with Charles Leclerc. What's he still doing up? I frown but my expression freezes when I meet his gaze. He has puffy eyes and dilated pupils. His cheeks testify that he must have cried. What does that mean?

Charles looks at me without saying anything.

"Have you been drinking?

- Yes.

- Fucking hell What are you doing ?! What about tomorrow's race?

Charles smiles slightly but not like his usual smile, which gives off joy, this one is scary.

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