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Time skip
Next day

Minx and I go to Niki's house after she texted us to come over, that she has something to tell us

I'm honestly a bit worried, usually if she has something to tell us she tells us at school but no, not this time, she was quiet all day, zoning out alot more then usual and overall just acting different

Minx and I walk into Niki's house, seeing her sitting on the couch zoned out once again

"Hey niki is everything alright?" I ask her, sitting on the couch next to her

"You've been acting off today" minx says also sitting on the other side, next to Niki

"I have bad news.." she(←niki) says

"How bad?"


I look at minx with a worry look on my face

"So uh I'm moving.." she coutines



"WHAT?!" minx and I say at the same time

"Florida? What why?"

I'm hoping this is a joke or some sort of prank, but I really don't think it is

"My parents got a job there so now we need to move.."

Tears forming into my eyes, making my vision blurry

"Are you joking? Please tell me you are.."

Niki nods her head 'no'

"So we might never see you again?!"

She nods her head 'yes' this time

"No no no surly we will find eachother again right?"

"Yeah, we will"

Processing bad news is one of the worst things ever, taking in the fact that you might never see your 1 best friends again is something you never want to think
So now it's just going to be minx and I..? Just us 2..?
I can't believe this is happening, it's ment to be us 3 always, not only 2 of us, not saying only being with minx sucks, I love being with minx but never seeing Niki again?
1 of my best friends is moving away to a different country where I most likely won't see her ever again, no no no no no no no I will see her again, definitely, 100%, I'll do anything

We all sat there in silence, minx and I taking in the news we've just been told

"When are you moving..?" I ask her, my voice been shaky, trying to stop myself from crying

"I'll be in Florida by next week"

We don't even have that long to spend more time with her, she's going to be busy packing all her stuff, yes I know we are with each other like every single god dam day but still I don't care. My whole life will be different now, it's always been the 3 of us, everywhere we go it's the 3 of us, when someone gets invited to something they bring the other 2 aswell, everyone picture we posted is the 3 of us, everywhere I go the 3 of us have memories there

Tears start dropping down my checks and falling onto my lap

"Y/n.." I hear Niki's voice as she pulls me into a hug
I hug her back obviously and minx asks if she can join

"Of course dumbass, cmere"

She giggles while joining the hug

teen romance | Karl Jacobs X Female Reader Where stories live. Discover now