King Viserys, in his regal demeanor softened by the morning light, initiated the familial banter. "Aelora, do you remember the time we went to Dragonstone, and a sudden storm rolled in? You clung to your dragon egg as if it could shield you from the thunder." he smiled at the fond memory, an attempt to break the ice caused by the rift in the family he caused years in the past.

Aelora chuckled, the memory bringing a playful twinkle to her eyes. "Yes, and Helaena decided to summon the wind with her hands, making the storm seem even more dramatic. It was a mix of fear and fascination." it had been a very sudden and violent storm there were no signs of it in the sky, and it brought bad memories with it.

Helaena, with a mischievous grin, admitted, "Guilty as charged. But admit it, it made for an unforgettable adventure." the girl saw the bother the climate change had caused her beloved cousin so she tried to lighten her mood by making her laugh even at the cost of making a fool out of herself for a few seconds.

Rhaenyra, the ever-wise elder cousin, joined in, "Those were simpler times, filled with laughter and shared moments. I believe Aelora may have a talent for storytelling; perhaps she'll regale us with tales of dragons and heroes that she likes to read so much."

The conversation meandered through shared memories, with Rhaenyra's children adding their youthful anecdotes. Laughter echoed through the hall as tales of dragon lore and family escapades mingled in the air.

As the morning sun streamed through the windows, Queen Alicent, typically reserved in matters of state, found herself drawn into the warmth of familial camaraderie. King Viserys, with a twinkle in his eye, shared his own stories, creating a tapestry of anecdotes that painted a picture of the Targaryens as a family not defined solely by the intricacies of the Iron Throne.

The grand dining hall, usually a stage for political discussions and strategic planning, transformed into a haven of laughter and shared memories. In this moment of respite from

the demands of the ruling, the Targaryen family relished the simple joy of breakfast together—a fleeting pause in the grand orchestration of power and legacy within the Red Keep.


In the serene ambiance of the royal garden, Aelora and Helaena found a tranquil rest after completing their lessons with the septa, the lush greenery and vibrant blooms surrounded them as they settled on one of the various benches, the dappled sunlight filtering through the leaves overhead.

Helaena, with an infectious enthusiasm, was engrossed in her favorite pastime— insects. Delicate butterflies fluttered around her, and caterpillars hanging on her hands, drawn by the aura of the princess who seemed to share a unique connection with the creatures.

Aelora, not particularly fond of insects, watched with a mixture of mild amusement and gentle tolerance. The bond she shared with Helaena was woven with threads of understanding and acceptance, transcending the differences in their preferences.

"Helaena, I've never quite understood your fascination with these little creatures," she remarked, a smile playing on her lips. "But I suppose they hold a special place in your heart."

Helaena, releasing a gentle laugh, nodded. "They're fascinating, Aelora. Each one is like a tiny piece of the world, and if you look closely, you'll see the intricate patterns on their wings, like miniature works of art." she said while admiring the insect in her hand.

Aelora's gaze softened as she observed Helaena's joy, appreciating the unique beauty that her cousin found in the smallest inhabitants of the garden. "I can see how much they mean to you. Your passion for them is infectious, even if I'll never quite share the same fascination." her love for her cousin was strong but her disgust for the creatures was almost as high, she could stay near her cousin without problems but they both knew that if one of those little animals touched her she would freak out harder than a fish seeing shark, the one time it happened the young Lady got up so hard form her seat and accidentally tripped and fell on her own feet and hurt herself on the head.

A storm in the north | cregan starkWhere stories live. Discover now