. : PROLOGUE : .

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He had told me not to leave the house but I was too nosy to not go.

   As I stepped out onto the street an eerie silence greets me. It's almost as if the town has been abandoned, but I know that obviously can't be the case.

   I walk cautiously, the sound of my footsteps echoing through the empty streets, each step a reminder of the stillness that surrounds me. The moon is rising, casting long glowing shadows that stretch out before me like warning signs. The breeze carries with it a chill that seeps into my bones, making me shiver despite the warmth of my kimono.

   The hairs on the back of my neck stand on end as I feel a sense of foreboding wash over me. I can't shake the feeling that something is lurking in the shadows, watching me, waiting for me. As I continue down the street, I can't help but feel that this is just the calm before the storm.

The falling snow that carpets the ground muffles every sound, making the silence all the more endearing. It's almost as if the snow has swallowed up the town, leaving only me and my fears behind.

   Suddenly, I hear footsteps behind me, the sound muffled by the snow, but unmistakable. I turn around quickly, but there's no one there. My heart races as I realize that I'm not alone. The footsteps stop abruptly, and I hold my breath, listening intently. Then, out of nowhere, a piercing scream shatters the silence. It's close, too close. I can feel my heart pounding in my chest.

   I turn and run in the opposite direction, not daring to look back. The scream echoes through the town, bouncing off the empty buildings and sending a chill down my spine. I can feel my legs burning with exertion as I push myself harder and harder, trying to escape the source of that ear-piercing scream.

   As I turn the corner, I see a figure standing in the distance, silhouetted against the snow-covered ground. It's impossible to make out any features, but I know in my gut that this was the cause of the scream. My heart pounding, I hesitate for just a moment before turning and running in the opposite direction, praying that I can make it out of this town alive.

   I should've listened.

   My heart is pounding as I turn the corner, expecting to see a way out of this nightmare. But instead, what I see is worse than anything I could have imagined. The usually busy street is now littered with pools of blood and dead bodies, their lifeless eyes staring blankly to the sky. I can't even begin to comprehend what could have happened here, but the panic sets in, and I know I need to get out of this place before it's too late.

   I push myself harder, my breaths coming in short gasps as I try to put as much distance between myself and the figure as possible. But my foot catches on a patch of compacted ice, and I slip, my head hitting the ground hard. I scramble to get up, but when I turn to look, I see the figure walking calmly towards me down the alley.

   I try to keep them at bay by throwing a few scattered stones next to me, hoping it will be enough to stop them, but it's no use. They keep coming, and I can feel my heart pounding in my chest as I try to think of a way out.

As the mysterious figure steps into the moonlight, their face is finally revealed. For a brief second I am relieved. It's Muzan. I stayed there frozen, staring at him in disbelief. How could this be happening? How could this situation be real?

Muzan looks down at me with a mixture of anger and disappointment in his eyes. I realize with a jolt that I've been adopted by a true monster, and I never even knew it. How could I have been so blind?

"What happened..?" I say in a shaky voice, my mind racing to make sense of everything.

Muzan just stares at me coldly, and I can feel the weight of his disapproval bearing down on me. I know that he is the cause of the scream that shook me to my core, but I cannot accept it.

All the while, I continue to shuffle away from him, slipping to the ground due to the snow. I am powerless against him and both of us know it.

"I told you to stay away from here," Muzan says in a voice that sends a chill down my spine.

I can hear the threat in his words, and I know that I am in serious danger. But even as I scramble to my feet and begin to run as fast as I can, I cannot shake the feeling that I am not going to make it out of this town alive.

I won't make it out alive as a human.

Before I can get far, a searing pain rips through my body. It's like nothing I've ever felt before. Every inch of my being is like every cell in my body is being ripped apart and reassembled. I scream, but no sound comes out as the pain consumes me, feeling as though I am being consumed by the darkness.

And he just stands there, watching as I go through the transformation. I can feel myself changing, my body twisting and contorting until I'm no longer human.

As the pain subsides, I'm left panting and gasping for breath. I try to get up, but my body feels foreign, like I'm trapped in someone else's skin. I look up at Muzan, but there's no recognition in his eyes, only hunger and malice.

He hadn't killed me, but instead he'd made me something far worse. He had turned me into a demon. I can't accept it. But I have no choice. There's no going back.

The snow continues to fall around us, but it's no longer peaceful. It's stained red with my blood, a constant reminder of the pain and horror that I've been through.

I collapse to the ground, my breaths shallow and labored. I feel weak and vulnerable, a far cry from whatever confidence I had just moments before.

Muzan stands over me, looking down at me with an expression of contempt. He murmurs something along the lines of, "If you remain here, the sunlight will burn you." It takes me a moment to understand what he means, but then it hits me. The stories were true. Everything slots into place in my mind. He was a demon. Now as a demon myself, I'll be vulnerable to sunlight, unable to survive in its harsh rays.

He doesn't offer me any help or comfort, he simply turns and disappears into the darkness, leaving me alone in the snow.

As I lay there, I can feel the weight of what's happened settling in. I'm no longer human, no longer able to live a normal life. I'm a demon now, and I'll have to adapt to survive.

The darkness seems to close in around me as I lay there, too weak to move. The snow muffling every sound except for the beating of my own heart. The transformation has taken its toll on my body, and I can feel my strength slipping away. The pain replaced by a deep sense of emptiness and hunger.

I try to get up, but my body won't respond. I'm on the brink of going unconscious when I hear a faint voice, a breezy tone that sends shivers down my spine.

"Oh oh~ what do I have here," the voice says, almost as if they're delighted to find me in this state.

I try to turn my head, but it's too heavy. I can only see a shadowy figure approaching me, their footsteps crunching in the snow. As they draw closer, I can make out their features, a man with unusual blue eyes that seem to shimmer in the moonlight, dark black hair, and a wide, almost manic grin.

He crouches down beside me, and I can feel his hot breath on my neck. He runs a finger along my cheek, and I shiver at the touch. I try to get up, but my body won't obey. I can barely keep my eyes open, but I can feel the hunger gnawing at my insides. The man stays looking at me with a mixture of curiosity and amusement.

   He says something else, but I can't make out the words. It's like my mind is wrapped in cotton wool, everything feeling distant and detached. All I know is that I'm in danger, that this man is not someone who should be trusted.

   As I start to slip into unconsciousness, I hear him chuckling softly, a sound that sends shivers down my spine. The snow continues to fall around us. It's no longer peaceful. It's now a reminder of the darkness and danger that lurk in the shadows.

With that my mind goes blank and I unwillingly slip into unconsciousness.

A.N. [authors note]
1530 words
This fan-fiction follows from the first person point of view of the main character who will be a demon👏 There is expected to be a lot of happy scenes- well as happy as you can get following a demon's point of view. I am very much attached to the demons in and had this fanfiction rotting in my brain for quite some time so I doubt I will get writers block with this one for a while.

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