Chapter 2:There Reaction's

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() thinking
<>breathing styles and blood demon art
[] creator speaking
{} translation

Luna: *stands up. Ara how rude of me *  bows down. My name is Luna... Luna Kamado


There eyes went wide like they saw a ghost

Luna: Amane-sama... Oyakata-sama?
Oyakata-sama: Gomen do you sam haw have relatives?
Luna: Ah... yeah they died 2-3 years ago including my twin said aunt Yumi... I never got to meet them tho
Oyakata-sama: My child did you not know two of the kamado survived

face went pale

Luna: huh? But aunt said they died due to a demon attack and non survived
Oyakata-sama: there's a chance that your aunt did not know or she just lied... But you can meet them after the pillar meeting to let them know that you are going to be a new member of the pillar
Luna: Hai~ *smiled innocently. I cannot wait to see them *a lil happy

At pillar meeting

Oyakata-sama: hello my dear children
It is nice to meet you in a good condition....
??? : it is nice to see you safe Oyakata-sama
Oyakata-sama: thank you tengen...
Tengen: the pleasure is mine Oyakata-sama
Oyakata-sama: Now my dear... I would like to introduce you our new pillar
Luna: *appears near tengen. Ohayo ~
The pillars : (what the- she is fast... Faster than Shinobu/me?! )
Luna: Moshi-mosh
The pillars : Ah, Gomen!!
Luna: Ah... Its fine *innocent smile
Everyone exept??? ??? : (innocent)
Oyakata-sama: My children please treat her nicely... Oh and Luna my dear they are coming *smiles
Luna: Arigato~ *bows dawn with a smile
[Tanjiro and Nezuko know about her that's one of the reasons why Tanjiro became a sleyer in this au]
Oyakata-sama: will then I'll go know get to know her my dear children's *walks away
??? : Ohayo my name is
Mitsuri Kanroji
Luna: Oh... Ohayo Kanjori-san *smiles

After chatting snd gitting to know the other Hashira's [They are not rude giyuu in this au too... I forgot to mention that sorry.. ]

Luna: ne Tomoika-san can i calk you oni-chan...
Giyuu: *smiles but not noticeable. Of course why not
Kocho: Ara~ you two are gitting along very will
Giyuu: *flattered. A-aregato *smiles at Shinobu.
Shinobu: *blushing. ...
??? : Excuse us were here...
Shinobu: Ara~ ohayo Tanjiro-san... Can you please Came here plss I want you to meet the new hashira
Tanjiro: Hai! *Came. So there's a new hashira
Shinobu: Hai!... Luna-san came here
Tanjiro: (that name is familiar)
Nezuko: mmmhmmm! { can i go out }
Tanjiro: yes Nezuko you can...  [Tanjiro and  Nezuko are in the shade ]
Shinobu: you two came follow me

When they got inside [there walking along the shadows so Nezuko could walk i wander i could put a twist hehe]

Shinobu: here the hashiras are in here at the cafeteria
Tanjiro: yeah i could sense Ringuko-san (Weird i could smell a person really similar to Nezuko's)

They opened the door to see a beautiful girl That looked like Nezuko

Shinobu: Luna-san there are people wanna see you
Luna: ahh... Ohayo my name is Luna...
Shinobu: Can you please introduce yourself formally with your last name
Luna: Ara~ gomen
Rengoku: Its fine
Luna: in that case... I am Luna... Luna kamado

The people in the cafeteria looked like they sew a ghost exept the Kamado siblings they had a expression that is tearing up

Tanjiro: No way you can't be...

Both Nezuko and Tanjiro run to me and hug me

Giyuu: Tanjiro i she... *Had a curious face
Rengoku: Giyuu?
Tanjiro: Wahhh! ... N-no W-wonder
Luna: O-oni-chan... Uko-oni? *tears flowing down to my white skin
Tanjiro: Y-yes its us
Luna: Wahhhhh! I-is it true t-that m-mom is...
Tanjiro: Gomen... If we didn't get you soon enough for you to meet our younger siblings... Its fine now me and Nezuko are here

To be continued

Author: Sorry if this take long we had exam's and tomorrow we will held our graduation day our school year ended but idk when will i publish the next story... Hehehe... Im so sorry... Until the next chapter Author out... Bye

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