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“Try it.” After Fang Yao was done cooking, he washed his hands and walked to the dining table to invite Yin Xun to try the food.

At this moment, it was as if Yin Xun was the guest and Fang Yao was the host.

Yin Xun raised her chopsticks and picked up a piece of meat to taste. The moment she put it in her mouth, her eyes lit up and she praised him sincerely, “It smells so good. Can we start eating now?”

Fang Yao nodded slightly and said, “Go ahead.”

With Fang Yao’s permission, Yin Xun lowered her head and started to dig in. However, halfway through the meal, she realized that she and Fang Yao seemed to have swapped roles. She was the one who invited Fang Yao over for dinner.

However, the meal was already prepared. Yin Xun felt embarrassed for a moment before continuing to eat. Fang Yao smiled when he saw Yin Xun eating so happily.

Although Yin Xun was focused on eating, she did not forget her reason for inviting Fang Yao here today. She wanted to find an opportunity to discuss collaboration terms with Fang Yao.

As she ate, she thought about what to say. She looked up and met Fang Yao’s gaze.

Yin Xun smiled sheepishly and said, “Mr. Fang, I’m really sorry. I wanted to treat you to a meal today, but it turned out to be you treating me. I’ll make it up to you next time. Still, you don’t have to cook for yourself at home, do you? Then why are your culinary skills so good?”

“Maybe it’s talented,” Fang Yao said casually.

Yin Xun thought he was mocking her indirectly, but then he heard Fang Yao continue, “I usually watch the servants cook when I’m tired. After watching them for so long, it’s natural that I picked things up. This is my second time cooking. I had just planned to give it a try here. I thought that no matter how bad it turned out, it wouldn’t be worse than that plate of stir-fried meat with mushrooms. But I didn’t expect the results to be good.”

After listening to Fang Yao, Yin Xun crinkled her nose. She had guessed right. Fang Yao was mocking her.

Nevertheless, Yin Xun was not angry. There was no harm to be mocked by such a big shot. After all, they had the power to do so.

She recalled the description of Fang Yao in the original book. Even though it was only a brief mention, the fact that he had the strongest background possible showed that Fang Yao was destined to be a big shot. Coupled with his ability to learn and execute he displayed today, Yin Xun was even more convinced that she made the right choice.

As Yin Xun ate, she thought about how to discuss the collaboration with Fang Yao.

When she finally finished eating, she decided to come clean with him.

She had read countless novels. The big shots all had one thing in common, which was that they hated lies and flattery. People should say whatever they wanted to say and gain the favor of these people.

Yin Xun was originally sitting opposite Fang Yao. After making up her mind, she got up and poured a cup of tea for Fang Yao before sitting beside him.

“Mr. Fang, there’s something I’m not sure if I should say. Although we haven’t known each other for long, I already consider you one of my best friends. So, after thinking for a long time, I decided to tell you.”

Yin Xun took a deep breath and looked like she was cheering herself on.

She said with a serious expression, “Actually, I didn’t just want to treat you to a meal today. There’s something I’ve kept in my heart for a long time. I wanted to take this opportunity to tell you.” Yin Xun stared directly at Fang Yao and asked, “Mr. Fang, since you accepted my invitation, I take it that you don’t hate me, right?”

Oh, no! I Became the Sister of the Novel's Tragic Heroine!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora