Episode 4: The Caterpie Ambush

Start from the beginning

Small timeskip

Charmander slowly walked up from being knocked out. He looked around and saw he was tied up in a strong shot as he was hanging from a tree, bulbasaur was hanging upside down in thesame string shot right next to him, but there was no Y/N to be scene. The grass type noticed charmander had woken up.

Bulbasaur: hey your awake.

Charmander: what's going on? (Charmander asked, looking around at what was happening)

Caterpie leader: I've been waiting for moment for some quite time, lizard! It's high time I get the closure I deserve (a caterpie said, standing infront of the other caterpies that were behind him as this particular caterpie wore a Japanese headband)

Charmander: uhh am I suppose to know you or something? (Charmander asked, angering the other caterpies that were behind the leader that the pokemon they hated didn't know them)

Caterpie leader: perhaps this might refresh your memory (the leader said, pulling out a caterpies head and threw it right in front of them, showing them the head once bulbasaur wear, the head of...the caterpie they murdered)

Bulbasaur: hey, you found my hat.

Caterpie leader: what!? This isn't a hat you psychopath. It's pablo...he was my brother and you killed him in cold blood (the caterpie leader said, reminding them the time of how charmander murdered the poor caterpie)

Charmander: technically it was self defense.

Caterpie: silence your tongue demon, our leader is speaking (a smaller caterpie said on a rock that was right near the two hanging pokemon as charmander stared at it for afew seconds before breathing fire at it, burning the caterpie) ahhh!

Charmander: alright worms, here's what's gonna happen. First your gonna let us down, then your- hm! (Charmander was silenced when the caterpies shot out a string shot at his mouth, shutting him up so he couldn't talk anymore)

Bulbasaur: oh thank God, someone finally shut him up.

Caterpie leader: for too long our kind has suffered in the hands of your reckless cruelty, justice will be served!

Caterpies: JUSTICE! (all the caterpies behind the leader said in unison)

Bulbasaur: what are you gonna do to us? (Bulbasaur asked concerned, afraid at what might happen to him and charmander while he wondered where Y/N went) and wheres Y/N, what did you do to him!?

Caterpie leader: Y/N? Oh You mean the scorpion. Well met show you (the leader said, turning around as the caterpies moved out of the way, letting the leader crawl passed them as it showed Y/N was far behind them, tied in a string shot)

Bulbasaur: Y/N!

Caterpie leader: I saw what you did for my brother, you tried to save him, but sadly the lizard overpowered you...thank you. Thank you for trying to save my brother. And what I shall do with you is simple. We won't do a thing to you, but we shall keep you in our then and you shall be our noble soldier, train you and simply do whatever we ask of you.

Bulbasaur: aww lucky

Caterpie leader: now then back to you two, you! (the leader said, crawling back up to the two as he turned to charmander) the lizard demon will be killed and dismembered, then we shall wear his body perts as accessories to attract mates.

Caterpie: I hope I get an arm!

Caterpie 2: I'm gonna wear his tail on my tail so I'll look slightly longer.

Bulbasaur: that actually sounds kinda neat.

Caterpie leader: you will be kept alive and our people will feast on your succulent bulb for generations to come!

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