Then more guns appeared.

Roberto was the only one who didn't immediately stand from their seat at the table and throw their hands up. He took it painfully slow.

Your gazes turned back to Rosa as she started speaking again.

"I'm really sorry for this, Vash." Her tone was so cold it sent shivers up your spine.

Your eyes widened as you watched Vash comically sprint out the door of the diner.


The entire city was on alert now. Chasing after Vash was one thing, but they also knew that you were involved with him much longer than these reporters were. For some reason, they figured you had a bounty too. Once Vash was gone the guns trained on you instead, so you were gone almost as fast as he was.

"Why me!?"

You grunted, sliding under a series of pipes to get away from the gunfire. Vash wasn't doing any better than you were. He was making a lot more anxious noises, though.

You could practically hear the soundtrack playing in the background when you finally caught up with your blond companion after you simultaneously jumped off of a roof and down into some metal barrels. You managed to painfully land on your feet while your partner wasn't so lucky. He was more distracted by you also being chased by the townsfolk with a case of trigger fingers and fell flat on his ass.

"What!? Why are they after you!?"

"You tell me! I dont- Shit!"

More people showed up to the side of where you two jumped and opened fire. You and Vash scrambled to get the hell away from them. Vash jumped onto some stairs, you following not too far behind.

"Over there!"

More gunshots rang out. The city was in a frenzy. After this was over, you were pretty sure there'd be a bounty on your head, too.

If you weren't in the middle of being shot at you would groan.

The two of you ran onto a rather large open platform but quickly found yourselves cornered. There were trigger-happy citizens in front and behind you.

"Uhh..." Vash nervously laughed and put his hands up in defeat. You were about to follow suit when you heard a call from above.

"Vash! (Y/n)!"


She threw down a rope with a noose tied at the end. Vash grabbed hold of it with his mechanical arm, and then you with the other.


Roberto reeled in the rope, sending the both of you flying up the side of the building. More gunshots. Again.

Man! Being shot at was a major workout!

The three reporters (well, two and an intern) tried to get out of the landing zone, but no luck. While Vash landed on top of them, you managed to land on top of him.


"What the hell is going on," Roberto questioned angrily.

You ignored Meryl's "you're heavy!" and rolled over to the side to avoid standing and getting shot at again.

"That's what I'd like to know," Vash replied, severely out of breath for once.

•┈••✦ ❤ ✦••┈•

Finally finding a semi-safe place, you could relax. Well, as much as you could when you were all literally on the run. Vash was holding his wanted poster. You and Meryl were seated on either side of him, while Roberto and Milly stood close by.

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