Vash seemed to think about it for a minute before pulling out a map from one of his pockets. The two of you set the map on one of the tables you had been cleaning and looked it over.

"It looks like there's two smaller towns about the size of this one before we get to Jenora. It's probably going to take a week to get there if we make good time."

You let out a breath you didn't even know you had been holding.

"You alright?"

Vash looked at you with concern. He really didn't like the thoughts you were giving him about Jenora.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm good." You sat down on a chair and crossed your arms after bringing your signature sunglasses back to the top of your head.

I'm so going to die there.

•┈••✦ ❤ ✦••┈•

The rest of the day was unremarkable. You gave Vash a small box of donuts you snuck out of the kitchen before opening the bakery, met up with him again for your lunch break to finalize your plan, and went about the rest of your day.

"So, is he coming over for dinner?" Ma asked sweetly.

Sarah teasingly chimed in, "I'd like to meet this boyfriend of yours, so I hope he is."

"He's not my boyfriend!" you exclaimed while your face started to flush.

The two women giggled like school girls, and began teasing you about Vash nonstop until the bakery closing checklist was completed. You rushed outside for a break from their teasing as quickly as you possibly could.

Greeted by the dry, heated air, you breathed out a sigh of relief. You decided to take a stroll through town to calm your nerves. Maybe you'd also find Vash and invite him to dinner with Ma and Sarah.

And find him you did.

It wasn't too long into your walk that you saw him and let out a laugh. He was being held hostage by a couple of kids who'd pinned him to the dirt floor. You could see almost comically large tears streaming down his face while begging for mercy.

"You want some help there, starboy?"

He cried out your name happily, "Helppppp!"

"Only if you accept Ma and Sarah's dinner invite," you joked, already gently shooing the children off the poor man.

Not really paying attention to hear his response, you kneeled in front of the kids and explained that you needed to borrow their friend for a while.

"Bye, mister!" They started playing with their ball that was reclaimed from Vash's arms. "Your girlfriend is really nice!"

You sputtered at that last part. What the fuck is up with everyone calling me and Vash a thing!?

Vash simply laughed it off, rubbing the wrist of his mechanical arm. "Thanks for that," he said.

You simply shrugged, shoving your hands into the pockets of your flak jacket. "So what was that all about anyway?"

Vash thought back to what made the kids attack him and let out a noise. "You don't wanna know," he replied.

Definitely didn't get hit in the face with their ball, he thought.

You chuckled, now extending a hand to help him off the ground. "For all I know you did something weird with the ball in your mouth," you laughed.

How in the- the blond stopped mid brushing the dirt off of his jacket. The look on his face told you that you were correct.

"Vash, what the fuck."

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