"Are you... okay now?" I try to make a conversation and ask him.

He doesn't respond, he only nods his head and I sigh and ask, "Do you want to talk about it?"

"No," he says immediately and harshly. When he notices my embarrassing situation, he softly adds, "Thank you, though."

"It's fine." I quietly reply and push the door of the shop open, but just like in the movies and the fairy tales, his voice once again stops me.

"Wait," I take a deep breath and turn around to face him again. "Can you stay for a little while?"

My heart beats cannot be any quicker, and I'm pretty sure he can hear them but he is too nice to say anything. Why does he want me to stay? Didn't he want me to leave like three seconds ago? But I know that I can't tell him no, I just can't. I can't waste an opportunity like this. I wet my lips and nod as he steps to the side to let me enter the shop again. When I sit down on the black chair next to the window, he sits on the chair opposite of me and just stares at me.

After some painful, and nervous minutes, he speaks, "When will you come back for your other tattoo?" He gives me a small smile.

I stutter as I say, "I... I d-don't know."

"Do you know what you will get next time?" He questions, gesturing for me to take a seat.

"No." I answer him when I sit down.

I'm nervous, I'm so nervous and I have no idea why. I feel like things are getting awkward, or maybe I feel that just because he turned the tables and now he is the one who is asking me questions.

"So, you're going to search?" He asks, and I don't know why, but I'm starting to get annoyed. This isn't how I expected this to go. I expected him to tell me what is wrong with him, to tell me why he broke all of that stuff, and why was he so angry.

Before my mind can even process, my tongue speaks for me, "Are you sure you're okay?"

He opens his mouth to say something but then he immediately closes it. As he stares at me, I watch as his eyes turns cold and distant, and I'm slightly new to this emotion. I have seen Louis sad before, mad even, but I never witnessed him breaking things or tearing things apart, and I never saw him with someone when he was sad or mad.

The idea actually stabs a big knife to my heart, the idea of Louis all alone when he is sad or angry, the idea of him not having anyone to talk to or to listen to him when he wants to let everything out and just say what is inside of him, what is paining him and making him sad. Once again, I come to the point where I wish I'm a normal human being, to hold him and listen to his problems, to be there for him whenever he needs someone, to never let him go.

"It's getting pretty late, don't you think?" He questions coldly as he walks towards the shop's door.

Oh no, he's going to kick me out again.

"I... I guess." I stand to my feet nervously, and wipe my sweaty palms using my pants.

"Go home then, you don't want your parents to scold you or something." He mumbles, not looking in my direction.

"I'm old enough to live alone." I lie, and immediately regret it. I don't want to be a liar in his eyes; I don't want to lie to him. I hate lying when it comes to him, but then again, everything happening right now is already based on an unsaid lie.

The legal age is eighteen, right? The lie isn't really that bad.

He raises his eyebrow at me before huffing, "I don't know how to put it in a nice way, but I don't want you here." He repeats the same words from earlier.

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