In the distance, above the vision of a heat wave across the desert floor, you could make out the pinpricks of what looked like civilization. Desperate for any kind of help you could get to figure out what the fuck happened to you, and where the fuck you were, you gathered your things and started walking.

As you walked, you noticed that this wasn't the regular hard dirt that you were used to trekking at home. These were dunes. Sandy, sandy dunes. You silently thanked yourself for deciding to wear your boots instead of your regular shoes today. They kept most of the sand from getting into your socks and possibly having the grains jab painfully into your skin.

While the heat was sweltering, you really didn't want to take off your grandfather's old army jacket for fear you might get a sunburn. You didn't even have a hat on. The only things you really had were your signature heart-shaped mirrored sunglasses and the jacket's giant hood.

You would kill for something to drink though.

While looking through your bag for any kind of survival provisions, you did find a canteen bottle that was suspiciously new to you, but it was empty.

"Yeah, nice one universe, you couldn't have filled my water?" you angrily mumbled to yourself.

You stopped for a moment after walking probably two miles in the heat to take a short rest. Your bag was starting to hurt your shoulders. Not to mention that this heat felt much stronger than what you were used to.

Looking up at the sky to gauge the position of the sun finally made the pieces fall into place.

"Ohohoho, I must be going fucking bonkers. It's the heat, I know it. It's making me have double vision, hahaha."

There was absolutely no fucking way you just correctly saw two suns hanging in the sky. Another look around the sky made you take notice of multiple moons as well.

"I am absolutely fucked."

This was a nightmare, it had to be. You would wake up from this comatose state any moment now safe in the hospital, you had to. You had to. There was no fucking shot you were sitting in the Trigun universe right now.

While it had an excellent story, and a reboot of the series had recently launched that rekindled your love for the series, you had mentally ranked this universe as one you really didn't want to go to if you had a chance. You would die. You were book smart more than you were street smart. Not to mention you had a really hard time getting a read on people most of the time.

But... if you were in Trigun, as you had deduced from the multitude of visible celestial objects, which one were you in? You really hoped it wasn't the manga, as you'd never had the chance to read the pirated, online version you obtained only a few days ago. You could settle for the '98 anime or even the new one, but much preferred the original series since it was completed and you knew a majority of the story by memory.

Although, you wouldn't mind seeing the new Vash in real life. His look had charm, and you'd actually thought about maybe putting together a casual cosplay of his fit just because. You especially enjoyed his new glasses. They seemed more fitting to him than the tiny ones in the original series.

Or maybe, there was a chance that it was an amalgamation of all the iterations of the story?

God that would be a clusterfuck to deal with if it was true. Knowing your luck with the universe right now, you wouldn't be surprised if that were the case.

But you still hoped you were wrong about that one.

You reached the town around sunset, which was a pain in the ass. You also realized that you were essentially broke as fuck. Your bag contained your wallet, but you only had real-world money in it, and even then, it wasn't a lot; just a twenty-dollar bill and whatever change you had accrued in the center pocket. But you didn't know if anyone would take it since it was very obviously not double dollars, so you had absolutely no chance of getting a room at any inn that could be here.

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