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When my father mentioned that I should write a book, tell my story in my own words, I was against it. All my life, people have been telling me what I should and shouldn't be. A book would only make things worse.

But I find that after writing this whole thing, it helped. With a lot. It helped me come to terms with the experiences I've been though, and it's helped me prepare for experiences I will go through. I'm twenty-three years old. It's about time I got my head together.

As of writing this, I am a daughter, a sister, a superhero, and an Oscar winner. That's what people know me as. They know Bedallion: The Girl Who Nearly Blew Up An Airport When She Was Sixteen.

But that's not me. That's not Nuru. The Nuru that people know is the crazy, careless girl that loves to party and doesn't give a shit about what people think.

That's not me.

The reason why I wrote this book is simple: I want to tell my story. In my own words. I lost my innocence due to people telling me what I am, what I should do with my life. I have been pushed around and dumped back where I came from a million times over.

I'm taking back my life. Besides, they're just stories. They're not Nuru Romanoff.

Only I am Nuru Romanoff.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2023 ⏰

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