the camera and the sleeping partner

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"Matteo!" I heard someone yell. "Come on we have to do the video in the van" said Nick peeking through my bedroom door.

"Fuck, calm down! You scared the shit out of me" I said while trying to wake up, yeah, I was sleeping at 8 in the night, I was just so tired.

I started putting some clothes one, just some black pants with curses all over it, and a fresh love hoddie that Chris gifted me for my birthday, also black.

I came out of my room and went downstairs, to the living room, where Matt and Chris were. "Where's Nick? I said. "He just called me, didn't he?"

"He's still looking for the camera that he lost!" Chris yelled, to what Nick responded "If only you would help and not expect me to be in charge of everything! yelling from his room upstairs. "Matt let's help him" I said calm.

"Oh sure, let's leave Chris out of this as it is his fault" Chris mocked us, "Fuck you" he finished, and left the house, to go to the van we assumed.

"Yo Nick when was the last time you used it" Matt asked.

"¡Well in the van Matt! Where else!?"

"Ok calm down bro"

We started looking for it everywhere in the house, and as my room was in the same floor as Nick's, I went straight to it, although I totally doubted that I could possibly find the van camera there.

We heard the front door and Nick and Matt yelled at the same time "Chris is that you!?" "Yeah, I just came back for a Pepsi, I'm still mad" he answered and left again.

"What the fuck is Chris mad about now?" Nick asked, while stressing over the lost camera.

"I don't know" said Matt. And right after that, as no one would've ever thought, "I found it!" I yelled, running to Nick's room with the camera on my hands. "You left in my room last night, you idiot" I whispered to Nick.

"Let's go now then" said Matt while leaving the house.

We were already driving to a good place to film and Chris asked "Guys where was the camera then?" "I found it in my room" I said, and internally begged Chris to not ask why, but of course he did; "Why the fuck was the van camera on your room?" he asked all confused, and I said "Well my room is next to Nick's so" "No shit" he said, and kept asking "But like how did it end up there?" and Nick interrupted "Whatever Chris, move on, Matt where are we going?" He said trying to change the topic. "I think here is a good place, there is like no people but it's not creepy" we all agreed to that and started talking about what was the video going to be about.

"We should rank stuff, like top 3 something", I suggested.

We started the video and just let it flow.

Through the entire video Nick ignored me like he was insanely rude to me the whole time but I tried not to over think it and just let it go.

We came back to the house, had dinner and went to sleep.

I couldn't sleep at all I was so worried that for some reason Nick was mad at me and didn't want me in the team anymore or something, and just couldn't stop thinking about it.

I looked at the time, it was three in the morning and I was still up, all silence, until I heard a quadruple knock on my bedroom door. "Who is it?" I whispered. "It's Nick" I heard, "Oh come in, man," I answered, and then saw him enter my room. "Were you up?" I asked. "Yeah, I couldn't sleep" "Me neither" I said "Why couldn't you sleep?" I asked. "I got used to you company when I go to sleep, can I?" He said pointing at my bed. "Yeah sure man, I always love a good sleep partner" I said giggling a little bit.

He sat down next to me, and asked back; "And why couldn't you sleep?" "Just over thinking stuff, but I'm probably gonna fall sleep now that you are here, you make me feel calm" "That's really cool man, good night" he said while laying on the bed, "Yeah, good night Nick"

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