Arc 3 - Conviction - Chapter 17: Rage of the Bunny

Start from the beginning

Izuku Midoriya would always be Deku in his eyes.

"Do you hear all the heroes up there Deku?" Bakugou asked, "They're singing my praises, they want me to get rid of you! Do you know why!?" Bakugou asked again.

Izuku didn't answer, simply glaring at his old friend.

"Because you don't belong here!" Bakugou declared, "Give up, Deku! You have no place here amongst us born with Quirks! We were born for this! Look around you! There are no heroes here you even like your sorry ass! Not even All-Might! They don't cheer for you! No one loves you! And no one here will ever love a Quirkless freak like you! You can't be a hero! As a matter of fact, everyone here sees you as the villain!"

Izuku simply stood there still glaring and seemingly unfazed by the hurtful words Bakugou was spewing.

Seeing this, Bakugou continued, hoping to get under the skin of his opponent, because he didn't care how he looked at this point, he just wanted to win, no matter what.

"You have no one here who loves and supports you! You're alone! No friends! No father! No mother! Because they're all dead!" Bakugou cried aloud.

Hearing this seemed to make Izuku surprised as his eyes widened in shock, and the audience and many other's in the stands quickly grew quiet.

Bakugou only cared for Izuku's reaction, and when he saw the shock on the other boy's face, he knew he had something and he smiled. "Are you forgetting how close our moms were? Of course, I heard about Aunty Inko's death! I heard about what happened to you!" Bakugou cried. "Your mom and all your little friends were torn to shreds during that Eclipse event!"

Once everyone heard that, all eyes looked to the forest-haired boy, and whispers began to spread all across the stadium, wondering if what was being said was true, that the boy that had booed and judged, had survived such a hell that happened on that day.

"It must have been terrible for them," Bakugou said, "They were being killed and what did you do!? Hide and save you're own skin!? Cry and wait until it was all over!? You did! BECAUSE YOU'RE WEAK AND USELESS! YOU'RE NOTHING BUT A DAMN DEKU!"

Something inside of Izuku snapped, everything about that day came surging forward, the deaths of his friends, how they were torn to shreds, ripped apart by Nomu on the orders of the sickest villains in the world, how Monoma betrayed him and Toru, the state of Toru's mind afterward, and worst of all, the fact that a day after he found out about Toru's condition, he learned of his mother's demise. She was in the area still when she dropped him off, and she was stuck inside that hell with him, but the worse part was that there was not even a body to recover. Just a pile of bloody clothes.

Trying to get into contact with his father was useless... Hisashi Midoriya never answered his phone and never knew what befell his son.

Bakugou was right. Izuku was truly alone in the world. He had no family to speak of and only had one friend in the world as of now...

All those emotions combined into a single one, one that was directed at Bakugou for all that he said, all that he made Izuku remember.

Pure uncontrolled fucking rage.


Izuku quickly flew into a blind rage, as he yelled out in anger and rushed forward with his sword behind him, ready to strike the blonde, however, Bakugou saw him coming and smiled, believing his plan to have worked as he put both hands together, and they began to glow, and as they became brighter, a powerful explosion was released, one that was sure to send Izuku, out of the arena, the explosion was so loud that it shook the arena.

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