The Tables Turn

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1st person POV, Kato (human, male).

I've been walking my mother's dog later and later lately. I noticed that this time around, I chose a bad time on a bad day; at evening of the night of a full moon. I pay as little mind to it as I can, but I do get nervous every time the dog barks at pitch-black alleyways.

When I was about a whole hour away from home, next to the forest, my mother's dog tugged the leash out of my hand and ran back in the opposite direction of where we were walking.

Before I could chase after it, I felt a hand move over my mouth as I was dragged into the dark forest.

Eventually, I was slammed against a tree, and I could see a werewolf looming over me, before I could scream, it spoke in a low, feminine voice,

"I'll gladly tear off some of your sweet-scented, tender flesh every time scream, so I suggest you try not to."

Her voice terrified me...I shivered so, so much as she walked closer.

She let out a purr-like growl and got to eye-level with me, and smashes her face onto mine. I felt her force her tongue into my mouth as I try to push away. I gagged when she tried to push it down my throat.

Her tongue explored every surface in my mouth that it could while I struggled not to cry or try to yell.

When she finally pulled away, I gasped for air.

She caresses my face with a frown. I did something wrong. I was going to die.

"Love, what's wrong? You struggled an awful lot, would you rather me get straight to the good part?"

She said as I came to the realization that I probably wasn't going to die. My eyes widened as tears formed in them and I started to hyperventilate.

"Oh love~...You won't be as scared when we finally have some real fun, will you?"

I swallow my fear, but somehow it remains very, very existent.

"Why are you so upset? You were treating another animal as if it were lesser, why can't I?"

I was now wondering what the hell I did, I was treating my mom's dog like every good dog owner treats their dog.

I snap back to the present when I realized she'd taken my shirt off and now was taking off my pants. I screamed loudly, I didn't like this, I didn't like this at all.

She bit the side of my hip, now chewing up and swallowing the flesh she bit off. I nearly screamed again before she covered my mouth and threatened me again,

"It'd be a shame if I had to mangle your dick, especially since it's much bigger than I expected of you~"

She uncovers my mouth and smiles,

"Now it's time give it a ride~"

My cock sprung up without my will.  She took off all her clothing and started grinding on me. She thrusted onto my penis and pulled away, over and over and over. My dick began to inflate and I unwillingly came. I came so much that there was even cum spilling out of her.

"I'm gonna have a whole litter at this point! Good boy, you've made your new master proud~..."

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2023 ⏰

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