Lobster, Caviar and Escargot

Start from the beginning

Wille accepted a bottle of water. "Felice is nice. She'll watch out for her."

Simon opened a can of Coke and took a sip. "Come on, I show you my room."

It was all a bit surreal, going in to Simon's room. Wille saw he had a small lava lamp near his bed, and a large poster of a guitar on one wall.

"It's twice the size of my room," Wille said chuckling, stretching his arms out at his sides. "Look, I'm not banging into the walls."

Simon laughed, leaning against his desk and taking another swig of his drink.

"Oh, you have fish," Wille said, sitting on the end of the bed to gaze into the tank. "What are they called?"

Setting down his empty drink, Simon came over to stand at Wille's right side. "It's hard to tell them apart." He pointed at the lightest colored goldfish. "Olle, and um.... Oski, and um... Felle."

Wille chuckled, looking upwards at Simon. "It sounds like you just made those names up, just now." He nudged his arm against Simon.

Simon playfully pushed him over with both hands, and Wille popped right back up, grabbing Simon's hand and yanking it hard so he fell on the bed.

It was full on wrestling then, with them both trying to pin the other down, arms and legs everywhere. Wille was used to wrestling with his tall, lanky brother, but Simon was smaller, more able to twist out of Wille's hold. He pushed Wille hard, unbalancing him, and making him thump against the wall.


The loud voice from the doorway had them springing apart, panting hard. Wille felt his face heat up, and looked away, embarrassed.

"Mom, you're home," Simon said, rolling off the bed to give her a hug. "You remember Wille, right? From Parents' Day? He's staying over for gaming."

She smiled as she let him go. "Your friends are always welcome here."

Sitting up on the edge of the bed, Wille ran his hands through his hair. "Thanks, Mrs. Eriksson."

"Linda, call me Linda," she replied.

"We are making dinner. Go watch your show," Simon pushed her out of the room. "Relax."

Wille got up. "I don't know if I'm much good at cooking."

Simon led him to the kitchen. "Just some pasta and salad," he said, opening some cupboards to take out a large glass bowl and a cutting board. "It's easy."

Pretty soon, Wille was chopping up some raw vegetables and putting them in the bowl. Simon poured spaghetti into a pot of boiling water, and set the table.

"Why are you putting out ketchup? We're not having hot dogs, are we?" Wille asked, tossing the vegetable with salad dressing.

"Shut up," Simon said, pressing against Wille's side to take the bowl from him and move it to the table. "I happen to like ketchup on my pasta. We can't all eat lobster and caviar every night."

"Yes, those are the only things I've eaten since I started on solid food. Lobster and caviar, three meals a day," Wille drawled sarcastically, as he carried the cutlery over to the table and set it out.

Simon chuckled as he drained the pasta and heated up some sauce from the fridge, tossing it all together. He handed a heaping bowl to Wille. "Please take this to the table, Your Highness."

Wille bowed, and took the bowl.

"This smells good! I'm hungry!" Linda said, strolling into the kitchen, and sitting down. "Join me, Wille. Simon can grab the rest."

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