60 Years and a Different Universe Later

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60 or so years later...

I trudge my way back to my cabin, my game slung over my shoulder. I had a good hunt this evening, I could've caught more but a wise friend of mine once told me to never take what I didn't need, it was wasteful. So I've stuck to that rule since. It's been years since I've seen her, might need to take a trip to the golden wood. Though, if I've done my calculations right, a certain old grey Wizard should be visiting me soon about traveling with a group of 13 Dwarves and a Hobbit. I'm just worried about fangirling to hard when I see them.

When I arrive at my surprisingly well built cabin(Did it myself, bitches[with maybe a little help. Shut up]), I see the door has been opened. When I left this morning, I remembered to close and lock it. I assume its old grey beard, but just in case, I place my game by the door and nock an arrow in my bow. I push the door open and it creeks like in one of those horror films.

"You don't see me for a few years and now when I come back you start aiming your weapons at me!" when I hear the voice I immediately turn and almost lose my arrow. Once my mind comprehends that's its Mithrandir, I immediately put my bow down on the table and place my arrow back in the quiver. Quickly running at the Maia standing in my kitchen and wrapping my arms around his neck in a hug.

"I've missed you!" I practically squeal.

"And I you child, I you...." He chuckles.

"Oi!" I let go, back up a step and poke him in the chest with a stern look. "Who are you callin' a child, old man?"

That just makes him full out laugh at me. Who does this guy think he is, laughing at me? He may be a Maia that will, later in his life, kill a Balrog and then come back to life, but that does not excuse his laughter!

"When you stop pouting like one, I will stop calling you a child." Oh, ouch, I felt that burn... Maybe I should teach Gandalf how to snap his fingers in a 'Z' formation...

"Well, sir, what brings you to my very humble abode?" I ask, walking over to my table, and unhooking my sheath from my belt. I keep my knifes on me at all times. Always be ready for anything, another tip from another old friend; though if he heard me call him old he'd bite my head right off my neck. I sit myself down on a chair and prop my feet up on the table.

"That, my dear, is something that I feel you already know..." Gandalf, you sly old Wizard...

"How am I supposed to know your mind? You could just be here for a simple friendly visit." He knows I'm privy to the fact it's not one of his usual visits. If I did my math correctly, the quest should start in a few months to a year.

"I think you know why I'm here, Vash. The question I have for you is if the answer still stands." Gandalf asks. I set my feet on the floor, rest my elbows on my knees, clasp my hands together, slump my shoulders and give him an affirmative nod. I motion to the other seat with one of my hands, where he pointedly sits. He pulls out his pipe, and I mine. We fill them and he lights them with his finger, like a BAMF. We sit in silence for a while, contemplating things.

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