"You can put your things inside first. Over there is the closet you can use. That door," he pointed to the door next to the box spring bed, "leads to your little bathroom. Shower, toilet and sink. We have to get your companion now, shall we?" he said, leaving the room. "I've known her for an hour." Simon muttered, annoyed by Alxander's good mood.

Simon followed him anyway and he was already standing with Fredrika at her door when he joined them. "Ah great. We're complete." announced Alexander and Fredrika also rolled her eyes now as Alex looked at Simon. "We'll go to the kitchen and I'll explain everything to you, okay?" he asked, but it was only a platonic question anyway, because he already started walking. And Simon and Fredarika followed like little ducks.

They crossed a large part of the castle and were already standing in a small kitchen.
"Well," Alex began, taking a deep breath, "this is the kitchen for the staff, as it is for you now. It's always open for you. The refrigerator is filled every Friday. There's a list next to it. So if you need things for you personally or you have an allergys please write it down. You also have a mini fridge in your room. Tea and coffee is always in the top drawer. Each drawer also says what is in it. So much for the kitchen."

Simon knew that another lesson was coming. And so apparently did Fredrika, because she sat down on one of the stools in the kitchen. Simon settled down next to her.
"Now for the normal rules. The most obvious I think is that you don't touch anything that isn't yours. Except in the kitchen and your room, of course. You are not allowed to enter the Royal Family wing. Unless you get permission from them personally, which if we're being honest is unlikely. You are also forbidden to enter the palace garden. The same applies there as to the royal family's wing. Breakfast is always at eight o'clock in the morning, dinner at eight o'clock in the evening in the Great Dining Hall," Alexander finished.

"And why doesn't the Majesty and the Crown Prince eat there?" asks the curious Fredrika. "Because the Queen hasn't eaten there since her husband died. There is a second dining room that is smaller and more private. That's where the queen dines."
Simon's tongue burned with the question of why Crown Prince Wilhelm did not eat with her, but he simply swallowed the question.
"Last but not least, your choir rehearsal schedules are on each of your beds. Tomorrow's first rehearsal is at three pm. Any questions?" The two shook their heads silently. Alex now handed them both another piece of paper.
"A map of the castle so that you don't get lost. I have to go, now. My room, if you have any questions, is also marked on the map," he said and walked towards the door, but stopped himself.

„Ah, I almost forgot." Out of the little bag around his upper body, which Simon just now noticed, he got two papers. „I need you to sign those NDAs. I hope you know why." Simon overflew the text and then took the pen Alex gave to him right that second and just signed it. He got why they had to. He also didn't expect anything else, to be honest. Then Alex finally left.

Silence fell and Simon enjoyed it to the full. "I'll be off, then. See you tomorrow." Fredrika said goodbye and went out the door. Simon sat for a moment before heading back to his room aswell. He walked through the halls back to his room and admired the art hanging on the walls. Some of the pictures he knew from his school days, because they were always in his textbooks. A few of famous Swedish artists and then a few of older Swedish kings and queens.

After a while of walking around, he stood in front of a picture he had never seen before. A picture with people he knew in turn. On a chair in the middle of the picture sat Queen Kristina, with a smile where Simon was sure she had it only for her people. Right behind her, with a hand on her shoulder, also smiling, stood the passed duke. His smile, however, looked more genuine. A smile like Simon imagined the smile of a proud father. Not like his father's smile, which only existed when he was high.

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