"Uh. I'm sorry but do we know you?" Chaeyoung frowns, looking at Tzuyu.

"Not yet. she's uh.." Tzury stutters.

Oh Tzuyu.. the one time your uprightness bites you would be now. Sana mentally facepalms, "Hi." She speaks up, "I'm Kim Sana."

"Kim?" Chaeyoung, "From what clan?"

"Uhh.." Sana and Tzuyu make eye contact, "Wait.." Chaeyoung looks at Sana closer, "Where have I..." The girl's eyes suddenly widened, mouth opening, "You..you..you.." Chaeyoung points at Sana and then at Tzuyu, "Okay, come here." Tzuyu drags the two away from the crowd, in a more secluded area, "You're the prin...mmmpppphhhh.." Sana and Tzuyu both cup Chaeyoung's mouth, "Son Chaeyoung I swear if you tell a soul, she'll be your enemy." Tzuyu points at Sana, "And I think making an enemy out of her, should be the last thing on your very ambitious to-do list."

"I wasn't.." Chaeyoung puts both hands up in surrender, "But how come you never told us your friends with...well you know..also am I going to go to jail or anything for not gre.."

"Chaeyoung." Sana speaks up, preventing the girl from rambling again, "First, just treat me like you would with Tzu here please.. and second you wanna join us?"

"Me? Join you?"

"Yes..we're hanging out." Sana says.

"This makes me an accessory to the crime doesn't it?" Chaeyoung looks at the two.

"Might as well have fun doing it." Tzuyu chuckles, slinging an arm over Chaeyoung's shoulders, "You got roped in too huh." Chaeyoung looks up at Tzuyu who nods her head softly.

"Oh c'mon it'll be fun..and I promise you both no harm would come if we get caught." Sana winks, before walking back towards the ramen place.


The palace was in total chaos with Emperor Minatozaki Ryuusei ready to declare the princess as having been kidnapped.

"How have you not found her yet?" Sana's father asks, slamming a fist on his desk, "What were her guards doing?! How come there's no CCTV footage?!"

"Your majesty we're tryin.."

"The princess has returned!" Someone barges into the office and immediately the emperor dashes out of his office, visibly worried, "Sana...what happened? I thought you were with Tzuyu?" He holds his daughter by the shoulder, "I'm okay oto-san..but..I want to go to school."

"EH? Nani?!" Everyone spoke altogether, surprised by the sudden statement from the princess.

"Sana.." The emperor sighs, "You already go to school."

"You know that's not what I meant.." Sana pouts, "I want to go to school with Tzuyu and Chaeyoung."

"Who's Chaeyoung?" The emperor asks, brow raised, "Okay let's talk in my office..it seems you went on quite the adventure young lady."

"Hai.." Sana pouts, following her father.

"It's okay princess..it'll be fine." Some of the palace staff whisper encouraging words to the lovely princess who offers them a smile in return.

The emperor's office is a place only few can enter...and usually those who get called inside for a private audience, family or not, meant that a serious matter was to be discussed. Growing up, Sana never understood why people were so intimidated by the long corridor that led to the single room in the east corridor of the imperial palace. But now, as she follows her father, the anxiousness begins. Sana's palms begin to sweat and her heart starts to beat faster, but as a princess she's also been taught how to keep her emotions in check.

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