Time is of the Essence

Start from the beginning

"Duncan, try 5, 9, 3, 6 !!"

Alejandro yells.

"5, 9, 3, 6.."

duncan whispers to himself

.......It clicked....


"It worked !!"

Duncan shouts out. Alejandro runs over to where Duncan is. They open the box and find a riddle.

"It's a riddle..."

Alejandro says. The riddle reads:

"I speak without a mouth and hear without ears. I have no body but I come alive with wind, what am i ??"

"What ??"

alejandro says

"That doesn't make sense !!"

Duncan says while getting frustrated.


"Wait, I think I know what it is. It says it speaks without a mouth, hears without ears, and has no body.."

alejandro starts walking near the speaker where the mysterious person talks from

"Do you think it's the speaker ??"

Alejandro asks.

"I don't know. But if it is then what are we gonna do ?? How do we get it down ??"

Duncan asked. Alejandro walks near a table with stuff on it and the first thing he sees he picks it up. he picked up a candle and chucks it at the speaker


The speaker falls and a door opens. A note falls out of the speaker. The note reads: "7651" they enter the room.

All they saw was a big old dusty box that had another code on it.

"Maybe these numbers will open it."

Alejandro says walking to the box

"I will be removing 5 minutes from the clock."

The mysterious person said while chuckling.

"What ?!"

Duncan and Alejandro both yell.

They rushed and put the numbers in. Now they only have 8 minutes left.


.....It clicked and it was correct...

When they opened it, it was a box filled with wires.

"I guess this is the bomb."

Duncan says while Alejandro is freaking out.

"Ok let's hurry up and cut one of 'em."

Duncan says.

"But which one?"

Alejandro asked.

"Well there are yellow, red, blue, and green wires."

As Duncan says that, a drawer opens up. They both ran to the drawer and inside was another riddle. The riddle reads:

"What can fly but with no wings?"

Alejandro and Duncan start to think. They think for about 2 minutes which is also wasting time.


The room is silent.


Duncan says.

"Huh ??"

Alejandro asked curiously.

"Time flies but has no wings. It has to be time."

Duncan says passionately.

"Great thinking, Duncan !!"

Alejandro and Duncan started looking around.

"Ah !!"

Duncan shouts as he finds a clock on the wall


Duncan takes the clock off of the wall and finds a pair of small scissors. He quickly grabs them and rushes to the bomb duncan running 2 bomb and yelling:

"What do I cut ?!"

Alejandro thinks for a moment.

"This might sound dumb but, in movies with these kinds of wires, they cut the blue wires."

"You think that'll work ??"

Duncan asked curiously.

"Maybe. Hopefully."

Alejandro replies. Duncan moves closer to the wires and slowly cuts the blue wire.

"Did we.. do it ??"

Duncan looks at Alejandro.

"We.. did it... Oh my god We did it !!"

Alejandro yells happily. Alejandro grabs Duncan's face gently and kissed him.

"Congratulation, you've stopped the time bomb"

The random voice spoke. Suddenly, a bag appears

"Open it."

The Mysterious voice spoke again. Alejandro tried to walk towards the bag but Duncan took his arm gently.

"What if there's another bomb in there ??"

Duncan asked.

"Hmm.. Let's just check."

Alejandro replied. Both Duncan and Alejandro walked toward the bag and opened it. In the bag, they found..


CLIFFHANGER. I'll post book 2 soon !! Thanks for reading "Time is of the Essence !!


Time is of the Essence (AleDuncan)Where stories live. Discover now