Time is of the Essence

420 6 15

"We're running out of time."

Alejandro says, having worry in his voice.

"I know. But it'll be fine. I promise."

Duncan says passionately.

"How are you so sure ??"

Alejandro asked curiously.

"Just trust me."

Duncan replies.

"This escape room is seriously deadly, I don't like it."

Alejandro says shuddering.

"You have 20 minutes to stop the bomb from exploding."

A mysterious voice says while laughing. Duncan and Alejandro start freaking out trying to figure out what to do in this situation.

"Did it just say 20 minutes to stop a bomb from exploding !!??"

Alejandro asked while panicking.

"Everything is gonna be alright. Trust me."

Is all that Duncan could say.


Duncan and Alejandro then start searching the room for clues. They came up to a box with a lock on it but they couldn't figure out what the code was. They tried putting in random numbers but none of them were working. Alejandro and Duncan split up trying to find clues. Alejandro came to a bookshelf with books with different numbers on them. One reads "9, 5, 6, 3" but he doesn't know which one goes first or last.

"Uh duncan i think i found something that might help us !!"

He says while walking towards duncan.


"What do you got?"

Duncan asked while coming closer to alejandro

"There's numbers on each one of these books right here"

he says while holding 4 books in his hands.

"Ok come here"

Duncan says rushing to the box.

"Ok tell me the numbers again."

Duncan says while holding the lock.

"It's 9, 5, 6, 3." Alejandro says .


Duncan put in the numbers, but there was no click. Duncan and Alejandro both frown.

"Well what about backwards ??"

Duncan puts in the numbers '3, 6, 5, 9'

But again, there was no click.


"We're running out of time!!"

Duncan and Alejandro said shouting

"I'll give you to a hint... coordinates"

The mysterious voice said echoing. Stretching out the "s".

"Oh I got it. I saw a map that had numbers on it maybe those are the numbers for this !!"

Alejandro says shouting

"Then what are you waiting for ?? Hurry up and go !!"

Duncan shouts. Alejandro rushes to the bookshelf where he first got the four books from and picks up a map with coordinates on them.

Time is of the Essence (AleDuncan)Where stories live. Discover now