A Walking Task

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Mentions of sex! So be aware

Narrator: oh hello! It's been a long while! But we are here today to finish up the walking lesson. I've been gone because I've been trying to catch up and remake another story. My bad.

But now are setting. We are in a globe? Yes! The Air Globe Facility! Okay enough chitchatting. Lets get to the story.

Kg: "Alrighty Tomura. Let's get started. So first things first. You're needed to simply transform."


"Focusing child! Think about it! Let it sink into your mind!"

Good. Now she is focusing. I slowly see her tail changing into legs. 'good' I think to myself. Oh she is finished!

"Look down." She looked down and let out a squeal. Twas painful to the ear? But twas a happy moment for anyone to see. A fifteen year old learning how to take her very first step. What a blessing moment.(Jesus?)

"My goodness! I have the most slick legs I've ever seen! Why didn't I know tis before! Tis absolutely AMAZING! So...what now?"

Oh great. She is a dumb one. But a little teaching should do the trick. Alright time to get her to walk.

"Okay child. I'm going to help you out. Here have this."

"Tis this? Why does it have these moving balls one it.........hehe. balls."

"Enough immaturity. This is a Walk Trainor. It's to help you walk. But first you need to learn to stand."

Tomura: Kg came up to me and brought this weird mechanic thingy. I've never seen something so advanced. It's like it's from the future!

He pulled me up and into the mechanism. I almost pulled away from him. Like! Don't just grab me without any warning! That's scary! I've been grabbed so many times! He should really think before he acts!

This mechanism is hurting a weird area.. Like really bad. Omg! I have a hole! MY ORGANS ARE GOING TO SPEW OUT!


"Young child. Tis a vagina. And yes you're to have a hole there. Now stop complaining. T'll be fine. Now try and move your legs."

Oh my goodness! I'm so happy! I'm not going to die after all. But what is it for? WILL IT KILL ME!

"Tis the hole for Kurogiri?"

"Peeing, menstruals, and children."

"Chil..dren? Y-you mean children out going to come out of that hole? B-but...how?"

"Through sex. When you meet your husband he will insert his penis in your vagina and he will release semen. That is children cells. They will reach eggs stored in your uterus. And the baby will grow inside of the uterus. Then you will push it out of your vagina....GOT IT!"

"That sounds...... amazing!"

"Oh dear..."

Is can't wait to have children! That sounds so exciting! Just imagine holding my husband's baby!

He grabs my legs and starts to move them back and forth. It has a funny feeling. He then lowered the mechanism to the floor. Twas very cold.

"Ooh! Cold. Now these are legs so t'are those?"
There were these weird things that had five thick fingers on them. But I could move them. Kg looked at me funny. He then laughed.

He told me that they were feet. He also said that I would have to take up anatomy in school. No way! I think I'm smart enough! Though it does sound like an interesting topic to learn. It couldn't be that hard right... I have a feeling I jinxed myself.

Twas difficult trying to understand standing. But I managed to ace it in seconds! It wasn't that hard to stand. But kg said that balancing gravity and weight had a huge effect on why twas hard. But I managed to do it! Now it's time for walking. That just has hard written all over it.

"Now tomura, you will learn to walk. Take your Walk Trainor and try to move. Let's see you you can do."

I slowly held on to the object. I took one step....and fell. I fucking fell! That really really hurt! My poor sniffer! It's bruised! Though, I get up and try again! This time I actually took one step. Then another. Then another.

It took me two hours before I was walking without the trainor. And I was doing it with elegance according to Kurogiri. But in total it took me six hours and three minutes to learn to walk. Why? Because it took me four hours to transform! And three minutes to balance. And two hours to walk.

"Now look at that! I'm walking! "

"Good! Now crouch."

"... Like this." I say bending down. He nodded his hand and then told me to jump.

I think I've seen sailors do this! It's were you push yourself up with your floor fingers. Wasn't that hard. But twas fun today!

"So... Can I call you dad?"

"Oh well......sure I don't see why not!" Kg said smiling. Kinda.

"Okay! Well dad what are we going to do now?"

"We are going..... On land! Tomorrow though. It's time for some rest."

"Aw! Come on! Let's go there now!"

"Tomorrow! Now put these clothes on I'll be back."

I tried to put them on myself.... It didn't go well. But I got it! Like always!

I followed Kurogiri to my room. Twas fun and exciting today! But now tis time to rest.

"Good night dad."

"Good night my sweet angel. Sleep good."

923 woo! That was difficult to write! But here it is. Hope you are enjoying so far!

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