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It was in the middle of the night but Aggro, Summer, and Leyla were still wide awake, unable to sleep due to strange voices calling out to them from somewhere they couldn't identify. The voices had been crying out for help and tonight was the night that they would go out and search for the mysterious voices calling out to them.

Leyla sighed and tugged nervously on her braid. "Where do you think these cries for help are coming from?" She asked her two companions as they continued their trek through the darkened woods. The moon was full and its bright silvery glow shone down on the three as they continued their trek through the forest, searching for whoever had been calling out to them.

"It's becoming harder to see where we're going. Hey, Aggro, could you please light our way through the forest?"

The fire dragon nodded her head and her body began to glow with a bright orange light. "I think we're getting closer to wherever the voices were calling to us from!" Summer called to the others as a darkened cave lined with small orange torches came into sight.

As the two dragons and the young human grew nearer to the small clearing, the sound of screeching and flapping wings made them pause and turn their heads, trying to find out what the loud noise was.

The sudden sound of a twig snapping made the three jump and Leyla's sharp green eyes narrowed as she watched the light of the torches that made the streets glow with a faint orange light. Aggro began to glow with heat and a growl rumbled in the back of her throat and her eyes narrowed into cat-like slits as she scanned their surroundings.

Something was coming and they needed to be on guard for whatever might be waiting in the shadows to attack them. The last thing the three girls saw was a large group of bats with really sharp teeth flying at top speed toward them and then everything went black.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2023 ⏰

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