Epilogue Contest (Racingheart ~ Bad Girl Vs. The Player)

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I checked my reflection in the mirror once more before answering the knocking on the door.

"It's time Alexis." My father said smiling at me.

I took in a deep breath before taking his arm. Was I making the right decision? Did I really want to do this? My father must have sensed my discomfort because he took my hand and squeezed it.

"Stop worrying." He said giving me a reassuring smile.

We got to the door and it opened before us. The begging of 'Here comes the bride' began to play throughout the church. I took in a deep breath once more, afraid that if I didn't remind myself to take one I would faint on the spot. Never in my life had I been this nervous. The butterflies erupted in my stomach. I didn't dare look at the end of the isle, knowing that if I did I would run to him instead of walking this slow.

I mean who came up with this tradition? Why should the bride have to walk so slowly? If they thought it helped in calming down, they were wrong. It only made me more nervous.

After debating with myself I finally dared to look at the blonde boy or should I say man that was waiting for me, waiting for me to become his wife. My heart swelled with happiness as I locked eyes with him. He sent me a breath taking smile that made my legs turn to jelly. If it weren't for my father, who was practically dragging me I wouldn't be able to continue.

The funny thing was, that after all these years he still had this affect on me. Five years ago I never thought this day would come, that I, Alexis was going to be marrying Max the hot jerk at my high school, after I had sworn I would never fall in love again. This just shows that the mind has no affect on the heart whatsoever, that it is an organ with a mind of its own.

My heart raced with every step, I could hear it thumping in my chest. I was pretty sure my dad could too.

Thu-thud. Thu-thud. Thu-thud.

My hands got sweater and the butterflies in my stomach just reproduced.

Thu-thud. Thu-thud. Thu-thud.

Everyone's eyes were on me, waiting for me to go up there and say those words. Those words that were filled with promise and love, the words every couple in love would love to say.

Thu-thud. Thu-thud. Thu-thud.

I could see the greenness of his eyes now. The way they bored into mine, never leaving them showing love and happiness. It was now I realized what a lucky person I was. That this gorgeous guy wanted to marry me, when he could have any girl he wanted.

Thu-thud. Thu-thud. Thu-thud.

When we approached the few steps, my father placed my hand in Max's, telling him to take care of me. He nodded then took my other hand in his. I stood in front of him as we stared into each other's eyes. The priest was saying his words but I couldn't bring myself to pay attention.

"Go on Alexis, say it." Max whispered softly, letting me know it was time to say those sacred words.

"I do." I whispered.

"I do." He whispered back.

We exchanged rings and the priest said the last few words.

"You may now kiss the bride."

Max didn't hesitate as he crashed his lips to mine. I kissed him back eagerly while the familiar shock of electricity ran through my veins, making me forget that there was anyone around us. After what seemed like a century, we pulled apart. He placed his forehead on mine and the priest said his final words.

"I now announce you, husband and wife."

The crowd cheered, pulling me out of our trance.


"So, where are we going?" I asked him after the reception. He had refused to let me know where our honeymoon was going to be.

"You'll find out when we get there." He replied smirking, while I pouted.

"Please tell me." I whined.

"Nope." He said popping the p.

We were going in my dad's private jet and Max had informed the staff on board to not tell me where we going not matter what I did.

I sighed and snuggled into his side; waiting for the long flight to God knows where to land.

I felt someone shake me awake.

"Wake up Alexis, we're here."

I groaned before getting up and opening my eyes.

"Where are we Max?"

"Somewhere." He said smirking.

I gave him a flat look. "No duh Sherlock."

He chuckled then stood up and offered me a hand. I took it gladly and we got off the plane.

"Put this on." He instructed handing me a blindfold.

I cocked an eyebrow at him.

"Fine I'll do it." He sighed.

"Come on Max, you can't be serious." I whined.

"Totally serious."

I gave up and he put the stupid blindfold around my eyes.

 How he got me through customs without having me take it off is beyond my knowing, I just wanted it off. We took a taxi to our hotel and he still wouldn't tell me where we were. I was starting to get pissed. For all I know he could be taking me to a junkyard.

After what seemed like a year we got out of the cab and Max took my hand leading to some place. I tried to figure out where I was by listening to my surrounding. I had been to many places around the world but I knew it wasn't a place where people spoke English. I was debating on whether it was French or Italian when he pulled the blind fold off.

"Finally!" I rubbed my eyes, adjusting them to the bright light of the sun.

When I realized what I was looking at my jaw literately dropped to the ground. It was the fountain we had gone to in high school. The water fountain on Italy, the one he had sprayed water on me, claiming he wanted to wash away my tears.

My eyes began to well up and he noticed this.

"Shit! Alexis did I do something wrong? I-"

I cut him off by pressing my lips to his this time I knew I didn't lose, I had won.  

Epilogue Contest (Racingheart ~ Bad Girl Vs. The Player)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum