Preparations for The Unknwon

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Anthony kept staring at Kate, completely oblivious to the fact that they had an audience.

Of the quintet, Kate found her voice — and her strength — first, shoving with all her might against Anthony's shoulder as she let out an impassioned cry of, 'Stop!'

Caught off guard, he proved surprisingly easy to dislodge, and he landed on his bum on the ground, his eyes still burning with determination to save her from what he perceived as her deathly fate.

'Anthony?' Lady Bridgerton gasped, her voice quavering on her son's name, as if she couldn't quite believe what she was seeing.

He twisted around. 'Mother?'

'Anthony, what were you doing?'

'She was stung by a bee,' he said grimly.

'I'm fine,' Kate insisted, then yanked up her dress as she got up. 'I told him I was fine, but he wouldn't listen to me.'

Lady Bridgerton's eyes misted over with understanding.

'I see,' she said in a small, sad voice, and Anthony knew that she did see. She was, perhaps, the only person who could see.

Anthony got himself on his feet, his arm grazing Kate's as they hastily jumped apart from each other, trying extremely hard to not seem flustered. They were just caught in their respective nightmares. His body was caging hers in the span of 5 minutes. It was a lost battle.

'I was stung by a bee,' she repeated, tracing the swell on her collarbone, not accepting her fate. 'He was trying to help.'

'Oh, the amount of times loose girls use that to get husbands,' said Lady Featherington snidely.

'Mother, what the hell is that witch doing here?' Anthony barked.


'Did I lie? His mouth was clearly intent on something!' She folded her arms with a smug expression.

'It was NOT!' Kate snapped, her eyes drilling holes into Lady Featherington's protruding ones.

'It is a mere inch away.'

'Will someone sew her mouth shut or shall I call the modiste?' Anthony grumbled as he rubbed his head. The effect of 10 years of continuous drinking was starting to takes its toll.

'Well, I have never—' she began.

'No, that's the problem. You always do,' he cut her off, his eyes threatening to kill.

Lady Bridgerton sighed, her light blue eyes observing Kate as she turned towards her, her dark brown eyes welling up.

'My Lady, I— I didn't — he wasn't — ' she stumbled on her words. For the first time. She always knew what to say, but now, it was a test of her words. She turned towards Mary. 'Ma . . . '

'Anthony, why was your . . . ' Lady Bridgerton was at a loss of words. Never did she think she would find one of her own children engaging in such debauchery in her own gardens.

'Katyayani, idhaar aao abhi ke abhi (Katyayani, come here this instant),' Mary demanded to her in Hindi. Kate knew she was angry as she only spoke it in public when she was upset. Kate obeyed and moved closer to her, wiping her tears on her glove.

'Well?' Lady Featherington asked. 'What are we going to do?'

Four sets of eyes turned on her in disbelief.

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